Conceptual coherence but methodological mayhem: A systematic review of absolute pitch phenoty**
Despite extensive research on absolute pitch (AP), there remains no gold-standard task to
measure its presence or extent. This systematic review investigated the methods of pitch …
measure its presence or extent. This systematic review investigated the methods of pitch …
Examining rater precision in music performance assessment: An analysis of rating scale structure using the multifaceted Rasch partial credit model
The use of raters as a methodological tool to detect significant differences in performances
and as a means to evaluate music performance achievement is a solidly defended practice …
and as a means to evaluate music performance achievement is a solidly defended practice …
Is it impossible to acquire absolute pitch in adulthood?
Absolute pitch (AP) refers to the rare ability to name the pitch of a tone without external
reference. It is widely believed to be only for the selected few with rare genetic makeup and …
reference. It is widely believed to be only for the selected few with rare genetic makeup and …
What the [bleep]? Enhanced absolute pitch memory for a 1000 Hz sine tone
Many individuals are able to perceive when the tuning of familiar stimuli, such as popular
music recordings, has been altered. This suggests a kind of ubiquitous pitch memory …
music recordings, has been altered. This suggests a kind of ubiquitous pitch memory …
The left dorsal stream causally mediates the tone labeling in absolute pitch
Absolute pitch (AP) refers to the ability to effortlessly identify given pitches without any
reference. Correlative evidence suggests that the left posterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex …
reference. Correlative evidence suggests that the left posterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex …
Absolute pitch
DJ Levitin - Foundations in music psychology: Theory and …, 2019 - books.google.com
Absolute pitch was first formally defined by Abraham (1901) as the ability to listen to a
musical sound, without hearing it in connection with other sounds, and name it with its …
musical sound, without hearing it in connection with other sounds, and name it with its …
[PDF][PDF] Absolute pitch and serial digit recall under irrelevant speech conditions: investigating automatic pitch class labelling through cognitive psychology
SG Steingaszner - 2024 - scholar.sun.ac.za
A serial digit recall experiment was conducted to test for differences in short-term memory
(STM) interference in both absolute pitch (AP) and non-absolute pitch (NAP) possessors …
(STM) interference in both absolute pitch (AP) and non-absolute pitch (NAP) possessors …
[PDF][PDF] Acquiring absolute pitch in adulthood is difficult but possible
Absolute pitch (AP) refers to the rare ability to name the pitch of a tone without external
reference. It is widely believed that acquiring AP in adulthood is impossible, since AP is only …
reference. It is widely believed that acquiring AP in adulthood is impossible, since AP is only …
Absolute pitch (AP) refers to the rare ability to name the pitch of a tone without external
reference. It is widely believed that AP is only for the selected few with rare genetic makeup …
reference. It is widely believed that AP is only for the selected few with rare genetic makeup …
[KNYGA][B] The Root of Harmonic Expectancy: A Priming Study
TC Johanis - 2019 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this study was to determine whether harmonic relations apply across both
musical (notes to chords) and perceptual levels (audiovisual integration). The hypotheses …
musical (notes to chords) and perceptual levels (audiovisual integration). The hypotheses …