[HTML][HTML] Nonverbal auditory communication–evidence for integrated neural systems for voice signal production and perception

S Frühholz, SR Schweinberger - Progress in Neurobiology, 2021 - Elsevier
While humans have developed a sophisticated and unique system of verbal auditory
communication, they also share a more common and evolutionarily important nonverbal …

Audio mining: The role of vocal tone in persuasion

X Wang, S Lu, XI Li, M Khamitov… - Journal of Consumer …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Persuasion success is often related to hard-to-measure characteristics, such as the way the
persuader speaks. To examine how vocal tones impact persuasion in an online appeal, this …

[HTML][HTML] Voice analytics in business research: Conceptual foundations, acoustic feature extraction, and applications

C Hildebrand, F Efthymiou, F Busquet… - Journal of Business …, 2020 - Elsevier
Recent advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing are gradually
transforming how humans search, shop, and express their preferences. Leveraging the new …

Smooth talking and fast music: Understanding the importance of voice and music in travel and tourism ads via acoustic analytics

SJ Barnes - Journal of Travel Research, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Travel and tourism advertising is critical in develo** positive associations to attract visitor
patronage and build sustainable post-pandemic tourism. An important part of an advertising …

[KNIHA][B] The Authority Gap: Why women are still taken less seriously than men, and what we can do about it

MA Sieghart - 2021 - books.google.com

It's not what you say but how you say it: Examining the influence of perceived voice assistant gender and pitch on trust and reliance

KL Goodman, CB Mayhorn - Applied Ergonomics, 2023 - Elsevier
Voice assistants (VA) are virtual agents used to aid information seeking. Cues contained in
speech, such as perceived gender and vocal pitch, may influence attitudes towards, and …

“I like the sound of that”: understanding the effectiveness of audio in ads

SJ Barnes, W Wang - Internet Research, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Sports advertisements such as the Super Bowl showcase products and brands that
have invested increasingly large sums financially to gain viewers' attention. However, how …

Impact of Voice Fidelity on Decision Making: A Potential Dark Pattern?

M Dubiel, A Sergeeva, LA Leiva - Proceedings of the 29th International …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
Manipulative design in user interfaces (conceptualized as dark patterns) has emerged as a
significant impediment to the ethical design of technology and a threat to user agency and …

Linking men's voice pitch to actual and perceived trustworthiness across domains

C Schild, J Stern, I Zettler - Behavioral Ecology, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Previous research suggests that judgments about a male speaker's trustworthiness vary due
to the speaker's voice pitch (mean F 0) and differ across domains. However, mixed results in …

Increasing shopper trust in retailer technological interfaces via auditory confirmation

R Reynolds-McIlnay, M Morrin - Journal of Retailing, 2019 - Elsevier
This research examines the effects of sounds made by retail technological interfaces–self-
checkout kiosks, credit card readers, mobile apps, websites–at point-of-sale. We propose …