Potential of microalgae and cyanobacteria to improve soil health and agricultural productivity: a critical view
Microalgae are a source of scientific curiosity and inspiration for their utilization as
'inoculants' in agriculture and the commercial production of high-value products. Their …
'inoculants' in agriculture and the commercial production of high-value products. Their …
[HTML][HTML] A review on effects of biological soil crusts on hydrological processes
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are complex consortia of microorganisms able to modify soil
physical, chemical, and hydrological characteristics and influence soil erosion resistance …
physical, chemical, and hydrological characteristics and influence soil erosion resistance …
Cyanobacterial biocrust induction: a comprehensive review on a soil rehabilitation-effective biotechnology
The use of cyanobacteria as soil inoculants is a very promising biotechnological approach
that is receiving increasing scientific attention for its potential for soil degradation control …
that is receiving increasing scientific attention for its potential for soil degradation control …
Efficient nutrient recycling from wastewater to deserts: A comparative study on biocrust cyanobacteria performance
Wastewater is rich in nutrients, while desert regions often suffer from severe nutrient
shortages, potentially leading to eutrophication and desertification in respective landscapes …
shortages, potentially leading to eutrophication and desertification in respective landscapes …
[HTML][HTML] Cyanobacteria as a nature-based biotechnological tool for restoring salt-affected soils
F Rocha, M Esteban Lucas-Borja, P Pereira… - Agronomy, 2020 - mdpi.com
Soil salinization poses an important threat to terrestrial ecosystems and is expected to
increase as a consequence of climate change and anthropogenic pressures. Conventional …
increase as a consequence of climate change and anthropogenic pressures. Conventional …
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Exopolysaccharides from Phormidium sp. ETS05, the Most Abundant Cyanobacterium of the Therapeutic Euganean Thermal Muds …
The Euganean Thermal District (Italy) represents the oldest and largest thermal center in
Europe, and its therapeutic mud is considered a unique product whose beneficial effects …
Europe, and its therapeutic mud is considered a unique product whose beneficial effects …
[HTML][HTML] Testing anti-biofilm polymeric surfaces: where to start?
Present day awareness of biofilm colonization on polymeric surfaces has prompted the
scientific community to develop an ever-increasing number of new materials with anti-biofilm …
scientific community to develop an ever-increasing number of new materials with anti-biofilm …
Characterization of Arils Juice and Peel Decoction of Fifteen Varieties of Punica granatum L.: A Focus on Anthocyanins, Ellagitannins and Polysaccharides
Pomegranate is receiving renewed commercial and scientific interest, therefore a deeper
knowledge of the chemical composition of the fruits of less studied varieties is required. In …
knowledge of the chemical composition of the fruits of less studied varieties is required. In …
Towards large scale biocrust restoration: producing an efficient and low-cost inoculum of N-fixing cyanobacteria
Dryland soil degradation is increasing due to global change and traditional restoration
methods are not successful due to water scarcity. Thus, an alternative technology based on …
methods are not successful due to water scarcity. Thus, an alternative technology based on …
Soil conservation in an abandoned agricultural rain-fed land through inoculation of cyanobacteria
Newly abandoned rain-fed lands, due to soil quality decline, are the main sources for soil
erosion in semi-dry lands agricultural hill-slopes. However, adopting compatible …
erosion in semi-dry lands agricultural hill-slopes. However, adopting compatible …