A review of the application of optical and radar remote sensing data fusion to land use map** and monitoring
N Joshi, M Baumann, A Ehammer, R Fensholt… - Remote Sensing, 2016 - mdpi.com
The wealth of complementary data available from remote sensing missions can hugely aid
efforts towards accurately determining land use and quantifying subtle changes in land use …
efforts towards accurately determining land use and quantifying subtle changes in land use …
Crop type classification using a combination of optical and radar remote sensing data: A review
Reliable and accurate crop classification maps are an important data source for agricultural
monitoring and food security assessment studies. For many years, crop type classification …
monitoring and food security assessment studies. For many years, crop type classification …
Accessing the temporal and spectral features in crop type map** using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery: A case study of Yi'an County, Heilongjiang province …
Crop type map** visualizes the spatial distribution patterns and proportions of the
cultivated areas with different crop types, and is the basis for subsequent agricultural …
cultivated areas with different crop types, and is the basis for subsequent agricultural …
Map** paddy rice using a convolutional neural network (CNN) with Landsat 8 datasets in the Dongting Lake Area, China
M Zhang, H Lin, G Wang, H Sun, J Fu - Remote Sensing, 2018 - mdpi.com
Rice is one of the world's major staple foods, especially in China. Highly accurate monitoring
on rice-producing land is, therefore, crucial for assessing food supplies and productivity …
on rice-producing land is, therefore, crucial for assessing food supplies and productivity …
Spatiotemporal patterns of paddy rice croplands in China and India from 2000 to 2015
G Zhang, X ** up-to-date paddy rice extent at 10 m resolution in china through the integration of optical and synthetic aperture radar images
Rice is a staple food in East Asia and Southeast Asia—an area that accounts for more than
half of the world's population, and 11% of its cultivated land. Studies on rice monitoring can …
half of the world's population, and 11% of its cultivated land. Studies on rice monitoring can …
[HTML][HTML] High-resolution map** of paddy rice extent and growth stages across peninsular malaysia using a fusion of sentinel-1 and 2 time series data in google …
Rice is the staple crop for more than half the world's population, but there is a lack of high-
resolution maps outlining rice areas and their growth stages. Most remote sensing studies …
resolution maps outlining rice areas and their growth stages. Most remote sensing studies …
Fingerprint of rice paddies in spatial–temporal dynamics of atmospheric methane concentration in monsoon Asia
G Zhang, X ** of paddy rice by combining Landsat and SAR time series data
Rice is an important food resource, and the demand for rice has increased as population
has expanded. Therefore, accurate paddy rice classification and monitoring are necessary …
has expanded. Therefore, accurate paddy rice classification and monitoring are necessary …