Material point method after 25 years: Theory, implementation, and applications
It has been 25 years since Sulsky and her coworkers developed the first version of the
material point method (MPM): a quasi particle method to solve continuum mechanics …
material point method (MPM): a quasi particle method to solve continuum mechanics …
Material point method: overview and challenges ahead
We propose Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration (HOT) for efficient implicit
timestep** of the material point method (MPM) irrespective of simulated materials and …
timestep** of the material point method (MPM) irrespective of simulated materials and …
The modified Mohr-Coulomb model considering softening effect and intermediate principal stress
X Meng, D Geng, S Liu - Mechanics of Advanced Materials and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Based on the Mohr-Coulomb model, a modified Mohr-Coulomb model that can
consider both softening effect and intermediate principal stress effect was formed by …
consider both softening effect and intermediate principal stress effect was formed by …
Analysis of large deformation geotechnical problems using implicit generalized interpolation material point method
This paper presents a quasi-static implicit generalized interpolation material point method
(iGIMP) with B-bar approach for large deformation geotechnical problems. The iGIMP …
(iGIMP) with B-bar approach for large deformation geotechnical problems. The iGIMP …
A frictional contact algorithm for implicit material point method
The explicit material point method (MPM) works successfully in modeling high frequency
problems, but it is very computationally expensive in simulating low frequency with small …
problems, but it is very computationally expensive in simulating low frequency with small …
Lagrangian–Eulerian multidensity topology optimization with the material point method
In this paper, a hybrid Lagrangian–Eulerian topology optimization (LETO) method is
proposed to solve the elastic force equilibrium with the Material Point Method (MPM). LETO …
proposed to solve the elastic force equilibrium with the Material Point Method (MPM). LETO …