[PDF][PDF] Тезаурусы в задачах информационного поиска
НВ Лукашевич - 2010 - istina.msu.ru
Область современного информационного поиска чрезвычайно разнообразна. Она
включает такие задачи, как собственно поиск информации, фильтрация, рубрикация и …
включает такие задачи, как собственно поиск информации, фильтрация, рубрикация и …
System and method for searching for a query
TA Musgrove, RH Walsh - US Patent 9,400,838, 2016 - Google Patents
6,732,092 B2 5/2004 Lucas et al. 2014/02O7751 A1 7/2014 Musgrove 6,735,583 B1 5/2004
Bjarnestam et al. 2015. OO74147 A1 3/2015 Musgrove 6,766,316 B2 7/2004 Caudill et …
Bjarnestam et al. 2015. OO74147 A1 3/2015 Musgrove 6,766,316 B2 7/2004 Caudill et …
Geographical information retrieval with ontologies of place
Geographical context is required of many information retrieval tasks in which the target of the
search may be documents, images or records which are referenced to geaographical space …
search may be documents, images or records which are referenced to geaographical space …
Speaking of location: a review of spatial language research
Spatial language incorporates descriptions of locations, routes, and landscapes, and is used
by humans daily. Research has addressed a wide range of aspects of spatial language …
by humans daily. Research has addressed a wide range of aspects of spatial language …
Ontology-based spatial query expansion in information retrieval
Ontologies play a key role in Semantic Web research. A common use of ontologies in
Semantic Web is to enrich the current Web resources with some well-defined meaning to …
Semantic Web is to enrich the current Web resources with some well-defined meaning to …
Towards a taxonomy of KOS: dimensions for classifying knowledge organization systems
RR Souza, D Tudhope… - KO KNOWLEDGE …, 2012 - nomos-elibrary.de
This paper analyzes previous work on the classification of Knowledge Organization Systems
(KOS), discusses strengths and weaknesses, and proposes a new and integrative …
(KOS), discusses strengths and weaknesses, and proposes a new and integrative …
Ontologies for knowledge management
Summary Within Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, the term ontologies was
coined in the Knowledge Sharing and Reuse Effort, for efficient engineering of (distributed …
coined in the Knowledge Sharing and Reuse Effort, for efficient engineering of (distributed …
[PDF][PDF] Instrumentos de representación del conocimiento: tesauros versus ontologías
AG Jiménez - Anales de documentación, 2004 - revistas.um.es
Se estudian la ontologías como un instrumentos válido de representación del conocimiento,
mediante la exposición de las diferentes aspectos que conforman esta realidad emergente …
mediante la exposición de las diferentes aspectos que conforman esta realidad emergente …
Ontologies de domaine pour la modélisation du contexte en recherche d'information
NJ Hernandez - 2005 - theses.hal.science
Afin de faciliter la mise en place de systèmes pouvant gérer de grandes quantités
d'information et de s' adresser à un maximum d'utilisateurs, le fonctionnement du noyau des …
d'information et de s' adresser à un maximum d'utilisateurs, le fonctionnement du noyau des …
Advantages of Thesaurus Representation Using the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Compared with Proposed Alternatives.
Introduction: This paper presents an analysis of the Simple Knowledge Organization System
(SKOS) compared with other alternatives for thesaurus representation in the Semantic Web …
(SKOS) compared with other alternatives for thesaurus representation in the Semantic Web …