[PDF][PDF] Тезаурусы в задачах информационного поиска

НВ Лукашевич - 2010 - istina.msu.ru
Область современного информационного поиска чрезвычайно разнообразна. Она
включает такие задачи, как собственно поиск информации, фильтрация, рубрикация и …

System and method for searching for a query

TA Musgrove, RH Walsh - US Patent 9,400,838, 2016 - Google Patents
6,732,092 B2 5/2004 Lucas et al. 2014/02O7751 A1 7/2014 Musgrove 6,735,583 B1 5/2004
Bjarnestam et al. 2015. OO74147 A1 3/2015 Musgrove 6,766,316 B2 7/2004 Caudill et …

Geographical information retrieval with ontologies of place

CB Jones, H Alani, D Tudhope - … Conference, COSIT 2001 Morro Bay, CA …, 2001 - Springer
Geographical context is required of many information retrieval tasks in which the target of the
search may be documents, images or records which are referenced to geaographical space …

Speaking of location: a review of spatial language research

K Stock, CB Jones, T Tenbrink - Spatial Cognition & Computation, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Spatial language incorporates descriptions of locations, routes, and landscapes, and is used
by humans daily. Research has addressed a wide range of aspects of spatial language …

Ontology-based spatial query expansion in information retrieval

G Fu, CB Jones, AI Abdelmoty - … International Conferences" On the Move to …, 2005 - Springer
Ontologies play a key role in Semantic Web research. A common use of ontologies in
Semantic Web is to enrich the current Web resources with some well-defined meaning to …

Towards a taxonomy of KOS: dimensions for classifying knowledge organization systems

RR Souza, D Tudhope… - KO KNOWLEDGE …, 2012 - nomos-elibrary.de
This paper analyzes previous work on the classification of Knowledge Organization Systems
(KOS), discusses strengths and weaknesses, and proposes a new and integrative …

Ontologies for knowledge management

A Abecker, L van Elst - Handbook on ontologies, 2009 - Springer
Summary Within Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, the term ontologies was
coined in the Knowledge Sharing and Reuse Effort, for efficient engineering of (distributed …

[PDF][PDF] Instrumentos de representación del conocimiento: tesauros versus ontologías

AG Jiménez - Anales de documentación, 2004 - revistas.um.es
Se estudian la ontologías como un instrumentos válido de representación del conocimiento,
mediante la exposición de las diferentes aspectos que conforman esta realidad emergente …

Ontologies de domaine pour la modélisation du contexte en recherche d'information

NJ Hernandez - 2005 - theses.hal.science
Afin de faciliter la mise en place de systèmes pouvant gérer de grandes quantités
d'information et de s' adresser à un maximum d'utilisateurs, le fonctionnement du noyau des …

Advantages of Thesaurus Representation Using the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Compared with Proposed Alternatives.

JA Pastor-Sánchez, FJ Martínez Méndez… - Information Research: an …, 2009 - ERIC
Introduction: This paper presents an analysis of the Simple Knowledge Organization System
(SKOS) compared with other alternatives for thesaurus representation in the Semantic Web …