Putting the agent in agent-based modeling
MP Wellman - Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2016 - Springer
One of the perquisites of a talk like this is that I get to expound on broad themes. AAMAS is a
conference about agents and multiples of agents, so I probably ought to say something …
conference about agents and multiples of agents, so I probably ought to say something …
Price evolution in a continuous double auction prediction market with a scoring-rule based market maker
The logarithmic market scoring rule (LMSR), the most common automated market making
rule for prediction markets, is typically studied in the framework of dealer markets, where the …
rule for prediction markets, is typically studied in the framework of dealer markets, where the …
Scaling Empirical Game-Theoretic Analysis.
BA Cassell - 2014 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
To analyze the incentive structure of strategic multi-agent interactions, such scenarios are
often cast as games, where players optimize their payoffs by selecting a strategy in …
often cast as games, where players optimize their payoffs by selecting a strategy in …