Geographic variation in genetic and demographic performance: new insights from an old biogeographical paradigm

S Pironon, G Papuga, J Villellas, AL Angert… - Biological …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The 'centre–periphery hypothesis'(CPH) is a long‐standing postulate in ecology
that states that genetic variation and demographic performance of a species decrease from …

The community ecology of invasive species: where are we and what's next?

L Gallien, M Carboni - Ecography, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Alien species are continually introduced in most regions of the world, but not all survive and
coexist with the resident native species. Approaches analyzing the functional (or …

Drought-induced vegetation shifts in terrestrial ecosystems: The key role of regeneration dynamics

J Martínez-Vilalta, F Lloret - Global and Planetary Change, 2016 - Elsevier
Ongoing climate change is modifying climatic conditions worldwide, with a trend towards
drier conditions in most regions. Vegetation will respond to these changes, eventually …

Trophic redundancy reduces vulnerability to extinction cascades

D Sanders, E Thébault, R Kehoe… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Current species extinction rates are at unprecedentedly high levels. While human activities
can be the direct cause of some extinctions, it is becoming increasingly clear that species …

Scale-sensitivity in the measurement and interpretation of environmental niches

M Lu, W Jetz - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2023 -
Species environmental niches are central to ecology, evolution, and global change
research, but their characterization and interpretation depend on the spatial scale …

Relationships between population densities and niche‐centroid distances in North American birds

L Osorio‐Olvera, C Yañez‐Arenas… - Ecology …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Correlational ecological niche models have seen intensive use and exploration as a means
of estimating the limits of actual and potential geographic distributions of species, yet their …

Addressing common pitfalls does not provide more support to geographical and ecological abundant‐centre hypotheses

L Santini, S Pironon, L Maiorano, W Thuiller - Ecography, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
A long‐standing hypothesis in biogeography is that a species' abundance is highest at the
centre of its geographical or environmental space and decreases toward the edges. Several …

Demographic compensation among populations: what is it, how does it arise and what are its implications?

J Villellas, DF Doak, MB García, WF Morris - Ecology letters, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Most species are exposed to significant environmental gradients across their ranges, but
vital rates (survival, growth, reproduction and recruitment) need not respond in the same …

Incorporating intraspecific variation into species distribution models improves distribution predictions, but cannot predict species traits for a wide‐spread plant species

NI Chardon, S Pironon, ML Peterson, DF Doak - Ecography, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The most common approach to predicting how species ranges and ecological functions will
shift with climate change is to construct correlative species distribution models (SDMs) …

Range edges in heterogeneous landscapes: Integrating geographic scale and climate complexity into range dynamics

MF Oldfather, MM Kling, SN Sheth… - Global Change …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The impacts of climate change have re‐energized interest in understanding the role of
climate in setting species geographic range edges. Despite the strong focus on species' …