Why are world religions so concerned with sexual behavior?

JW Moon - Current Opinion in Psychology, 2021 - Elsevier
Highlights•Religious beliefs and behavior across the world are closely linked to restricted
sexual attitudes and behavior.•Religions foster long-term, committed mating strategies by …

Prosocial religions as folk-technologies of mutual policing.

L Fitouchi, M Singh, JB André, N Baumard - Psychological Review, 2025 - psycnet.apa.org
Why do humans believe in moralizing gods? Leading accounts argue that these beliefs
evolved because they help societies grow and promote group cooperation. Yet recent …

Cultural similarity among coreligionists within and between countries

CJM White, M Muthukrishna, A Norenzayan - Proceedings of the National …, 2021 - pnas.org
Cultural evolutionary theories suggest that world religions have consolidated beliefs, values,
and practices within a superethnic cultural identity. It follows that affiliation with religious …

Does religious priming induce greater prejudice? A meta-analytic review

A Snell, M Zuckerman, BM Le - Personality and Social …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The current meta-analysis addressed whether theistic religious beliefs are causally related
to greater prejudice by analyzing 44 studies (N total= 11,330) that used experimental …

Sexual morality: Multidimensionality and sex differences.

K Asao, CL Crosby, DM Buss - Evolutionary behavioral sciences, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
Despite the increase in the scientific study of morality over the past decade, one important
domain remains relatively underexplored—sexual morality. The current article begins to fill …

An exploratory analysis of generational differences in the World Values Surveys and their application to business leaders

SJ Thomason, MR Weeks, B Galperin - Ethics & Behavior, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
We asked whether and how generations vary in their perceptions on moral matters ranging
from their justifications of crime and questions concerning bodily autonomy. In our …

Is there anything good about atheists? Exploring positive and negative stereotypes of the religious and nonreligious

JW Moon, JA Krems, AB Cohen - Social Psychological and …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Negative stereotypes about atheists are widespread, robust, rooted in distrust, and linked to
discrimination. Here, we examine whether social perceivers in the United States might …

Exploring the underlying social conservative mechanisms of trans-negativity in a convenient Greek sample

I Grigoropoulos - Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2024 - Springer
Introduction The current study examines how conservative social ideologies and religiosity
interact to predict lower levels of knowledge, social intolerance, and negative attitudes …

Pathogens or promiscuity? Testing two accounts of the relation between disgust sensitivity and binding moral values.

MR Donner, FH Chagas-Bastos, RW Jeremiah… - Emotion, 2024 - psycnet.apa.org
A recurrent observation in the field of moral psychology is that disgust sensitivity is
associated with greater moralization of the binding (and particularly sanctity) moral domains …

Karma and God: Convergent and divergent mental representations of supernatural norm enforcement.

CJM White, A Norenzayan - Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Few studies have directly examined mental representations of supernaturally monitored
morality, as they are reflected in world religions as conceptions of karma and God. In seven …