A comparison of methods for estimating fractional vegetation cover in arid regions

G Jiapaer, X Chen, A Bao - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2011 - Elsevier
We compared a set of methods for estimating the fractional vegetation cover (fc) of sparse
desert vegetation over an arid region of southern **njiang, China. Six kinds of remote …

The spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation coverage and biomass of the temperate deserts in Central Asia and their relationships with climate controls

C Zhang, D Lu, X Chen, Y Zhang, B Maisupova… - Remote Sensing of …, 2016 - Elsevier
More than 80% of the world's temperate deserts are located in Central Asia. Knowledge of
the desert biomass distribution and its dynamic related to the climate controls are vital for the …

[HTML][HTML] Effects of climate change and human activities on aeolian desertification reversal in mu us Sandy land, China

J **e, Z Lu, K Feng - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
The aeolian desertification in Mu Us Sandy Land (MUSL) in northern China have been paid
much attention, but the relative contributions of climate change and human activities to …

Using vegetation indices and texture measures to estimate vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) of planted and natural forests in Nan**g city, China

Z Gu, W Ju, L Li, D Li, Y Liu, W Fan - Advances in Space Research, 2013 - Elsevier
Vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) is an important vegetation parameter affecting
exchanges of carbon, water, energy between the atmosphere and surface. In this study, the …

Influences of ecological water conveyance on Populus euphratica forest restoration in the middle reaches of Tarim River

W Zhen, L Junli, Z Jiudan, WU Haoru… - Arid Land …, 2023 - geores.com.cn
Ecological water conveyance is an important measure in the special action of Populus
euphratica forest protection, and the analysis of the effect of submerged irrigation on the …

Comparative study of remote sensing estimation methods for grassland fractional vegetation coverage–a grassland case study performed in Ili prefecture, **njiang …

W Zhang, X Yang, A Manlike, Y **… - … Journal of Remote …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Fractional vegetation coverage (FVC) is an important biophysical parameter of terrestrial
ecosystems. Based on Gaofen satellite no. 1 (GF-1) wide field-of-view (WFV) data from the Ili …

[PDF][PDF] Vegetation cover change and ecological effect assessment in the Loess Plateau of Southwest Shanxi province based on remote sensing image

W Zhang, C Sun, X Li - Journal of Natural Resources, 2019 - jnr.ac.cn
Soil erosion and ecological degradation are serious problems for the Loess Plateau, which
have seriously restricted economic development. Based on TM and OLI data, the FVC and …

[PDF][PDF] 晋西南黄土高原区植被覆盖度变化及其生态效应评估

张文**, 孙从建, **新功 - 自然资源学报, 2019 - jnr.ac.cn
水土流失和生态退化是黄土高原区面临的严峻问题, 已经严重制约了经济发展. 基于TM 和OLI
数据, 分别估算晋西南黄土高原区的植被覆盖度(FVC) 和遥感生态指数(RSEI) …

[HTML][HTML] 基于 RSEI 的漓江流域生态环境质量动态监测

魏雨涵, 钱建**, 范伟伟, **彭 - **水土保持科学, 2021 - html.rhhz.net
漓江流域是桂林市旅游核心区域, 地形地貌复杂, 了解其生态环境质量及其变化情况对桂林市
旅游可持续发展有重要的参考价值. 为了快速准确获取漓江流域的历史生态环境动态变化情况 …

Research on the establishment of carbon inversion model in engebei ecological demonstration area of the kubuqi desert based on remote sensing data

J Zhang, S Zheng, T Zhou, Z Yang, Y Zhang… - IEEE Access, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Studying the changes of vegetation coverage and carbon storage in a terrestrial ecosystem
will provide important information for ecosystem optimization. The Kubuqi Desert is a typical …