Uncertainty in spatial trajectories

G Trajcevski - Computing with Spatial Trajectories, 2011 - Springer
This chapter presents a systematic overview of the various issues and solutions related to
the notion of uncertainty in the settings of moving objects trajectories. The sources of …

Recep: Selection-based reuse for distributed complex event processing

B Ottenwälder, B Koldehofe, K Rothermel… - Proceedings of the 8th …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
An appealing use case of complex event processing (CEP) systems is for mobile users to
react in real-time to events in their environment, eg, to the occurrence of a dangerous …

Building ubiquitous QoC-aware applications through model-driven software engineering

S Chabridon, D Conan, Z Abid, C Taconet - Science of Computer …, 2013 - Elsevier
As every-day mobile devices can easily be equipped with multiple sensing capabilities,
ubiquitous applications are expected to exploit the richness of the context information that …

MapCorrect: Automatic correction and validation of road maps using public sensing

P Baier, H Weinschrott, F Dürr… - 2011 IEEE 36th …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the increasing proliferation of small and cheap GPS receivers, a new way of generating
road maps could be witnessed over the last few years. Participatory map** approaches …

Partition-based range query for uncertain trajectories in road networks

L Chen, Y Tang, M Lv, G Chen - GeoInformatica, 2015 - Springer
Query processing for trajectory data is a hot topic in the field of moving objects databases
(MODs). Most of the previous research work focused on the Euclidean space, and the …