A survey on indexing techniques for big data: taxonomy and performance evaluation

A Gani, A Siddiqa, S Shamshirband… - Knowledge and information …, 2016 - Springer
The explosive growth in volume, velocity, and diversity of data produced by mobile devices
and cloud applications has contributed to the abundance of data or 'big data.'Available …

A survey of visualization pipelines

K Moreland - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The most common abstraction used by visualization libraries and applications today is what
is known as the visualization pipeline. The visualization pipeline provides a mechanism to …

Rapid sampling for visualizations with ordering guarantees

A Kim, E Blais, A Parameswaran… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Visualizations are frequently used as a means to understand trends and gather insights from
datasets, but often take a long time to generate. In this paper, we focus on the problem of …

Optimization driven MapReduce framework for indexing and retrieval of big data

HB Abdalla, AM Ahmed… - KSII Transactions on …, 2020 - koreascience.kr
With the technical advances, the amount of big data is increasing day-by-day such that the
traditional software tools face a burden in handling them. Additionally, the presence of the …

Concise: Compressed 'n'composable integer set

A Colantonio, R Di Pietro - Information Processing Letters, 2010 - Elsevier
Bit arrays, or bitmaps, are used to significantly speed up set operations in several areas,
such as data warehousing, information retrieval, and data mining, to cite a few. However …

Column imprints: a secondary index structure

L Sidirourgos, M Kersten - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Large scale data warehouses rely heavily on secondary indexes, such as bitmaps and b-
trees, to limit access to slow IO devices. However, with the advent of large main memory …

Parallel index and query for large scale data analysis

J Chou, M Howison, B Austin, K Wu, J Qiang… - Proceedings of 2011 …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Modern scientific datasets present numerous data management and analysis challenges.
State-of-the-art index and query technologies are critical for facilitating interactive …

I've seen" enough" incrementally improving visualizations to support rapid decision making

S Rahman, M Aliakbarpour, HK Kong, E Blais… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Data visualization is an effective mechanism for identifying trends, insights, and anomalies
in data. On large datasets, however, generating visualizations can take a long time, delaying …