Dirichlet and related distributions: Theory, methods and applications

KW Ng, GL Tian, ML Tang - 2011‏ - books.google.com
The Dirichlet distribution appears in many areas of application, which include modelling of
compositional data, Bayesian analysis, statistical genetics, and nonparametric inference …

Distributions on the simplex revisited

G Mateu-Figueras, GS Monti, JJ Egozcue - Advances in Compositional …, 2021‏ - Springer
A large number of families of distributions are available to model multivariate real vectors.
On the contrary, for the simplex sample space, we have only a limited number of families …

A general framework for moment-based analysis of genetic data

MS Speed, DJ Balding, A Hobolth - Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2019‏ - Springer
In population genetics, the Dirichlet (also called the Balding–Nichols) model has for 20
years been considered the key model to approximate the distribution of allele fractions …

[PDF][PDF] E–m algorithm: an application to a mixture model for compositional data

S Migliorati, GS Monti, A Ongaro - … of the 44th scientific meeting of …, 2008‏ - academia.edu
In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a new model for
compositional data called Flexible Dirichlet (Ongaro et al., 2008). Such a model generalizes …

Schl\" omilch integrals and probability distributions on the simplex

DDK Chow - arxiv preprint arxiv:2201.11013, 2022‏ - arxiv.org
The Schl\" omilch integral, a generalization of the Dirichlet integral on the simplex, and
related probability distributions are reviewed. A distribution that unifies several …

[ספר][B] Hierarchical modelling of flood risk for engineering decision analysis

R Custer - 2015‏ - orbit.dtu.dk
Societies around the world are faced with flood risk, prompting authorities and decision
makers to manage risk to protect population and assets. With climate change, urbanisation …

Shadow Dirichlet for restricted probability modeling

B Frigyik, M Gupta, Y Chen - Advances in Neural …, 2010‏ - proceedings.neurips.cc
Although the Dirichlet distribution is widely used, the independence structure of its
components limits its accuracy as a model. The proposed shadow Dirichlet distribution …

Probabilistic disaggregation of a spatial portfolio of exposure for natural hazard risk assessment

R Custer, K Nishijima - … : Assessment and Management of Risk for …, 2018‏ - Taylor & Francis
In natural hazard risk assessment situations are encountered where information on the
portfolio of exposure is only available in a spatially aggregated form, hindering a precise risk …

A bicompositional Dirichlet distribution

J Bergman - 2009‏ - lup.lub.lu.se
The Simplex S^ D is the sample space of a D-part composition. There are only a few
distributions defined on the Simplex and even fewer defined on the Cartesian product S^ D x …

Infinite Scaled Dirichlet Mixture Models for Spam Filtering via Bayesian and Variational Bayes Learning

F Aldosari, S Bourouis, N Bouguila… - … on Internet of Things …, 2018‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Spam filtering has been the topic of extensive research in the past. Many machine learning
approaches have been proposed. In this paper we propose an approach based on …