The Natural Biotic Environment of Caenorhabditis elegans

H Schulenburg, MA Félix - Genetics, 2017 -
Organisms evolve in response to their natural environment. Consideration of natural
ecological parameters are thus of key importance for our understanding of an organism's …

From QTL to gene: C. elegans facilitates discoveries of the genetic mechanisms underlying natural variation

KS Evans, MH van Wijk, PT McGrath, EC Andersen… - Trends in Genetics, 2021 -
Although many studies have examined quantitative trait variation across many species, only
a small number of genes and thereby molecular mechanisms have been discovered …

Experimental Evolution with Caenorhabditis Nematodes

H Teotónio, S Estes, PC Phillips, CF Baer - Genetics, 2017 -
The hermaphroditic nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been one of the primary model
systems in biology since the 1970s, but only within the last two decades has this nematode …

Males, Outcrossing, and Sexual Selection in Caenorhabditis Nematodes

AD Cutter, LT Morran, PC Phillips - Genetics, 2019 -
Males of Caenorhabditis elegans provide a crucial practical tool in the laboratory, but, as the
rarer and more finicky sex, have not enjoyed the same depth of research attention as …

High parasite virulence necessary for the maintenance of host outcrossing via parasite-mediated selection

SP Slowinski, JH Cho, MKJ Penley… - Evolution …, 2023 -
Biparental sex is widespread in nature, yet costly relative to uniparental reproduction. It is
generally unclear why self-fertilizing or asexual lineages do not readily invade outcrossing …

“Resistance is futile”: Weaker selection for resistance by abundant parasites increases prevalence and depresses host density

JC Walsman, MA Duffy, CE Cáceres… - The American …, 2023 -
Abstract Theory often predicts that host populations should evolve greater resistance when
parasites become abundant. Furthermore, that evolutionary response could ameliorate …

The evolution of parasite host range in heterogeneous host populations

AK Gibson, H Baffoe‐Bonnie… - Journal of …, 2020 -
Abstract Theory on the evolution of niche width argues that resource heterogeneity selects
for niche breadth. For parasites, this theory predicts that parasite populations will evolve, or …

Outcrossing in Caenorhabditis elegans increases in response to food limitation

SP Slowinski, JD Gresham, ER Cui… - Ecology and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Theory predicts that organisms should diversify their offspring when faced with a
stressful environment. This prediction has received empirical support across diverse groups …

Impact of bile salts on coevolutionary dynamics between the gut bacterium Escherichia coli and its lytic phage PP01

JG Scanlan, AR Hall, PD Scanlan - Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2019 - Elsevier
Although host and parasites are typically embedded in complex abiotic and biotic
environments our understanding of how environmental variation impacts on host-parasite …

Evolution of sex ratio through gene loss

D Yin, ES Haag - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019 -
The maintenance of males at intermediate frequencies is an important evolutionary problem.
Several species of Caenorhabditis nematodes have evolved a mating system in which …