Considering sadism in the shadow of the Dark Triad traits: A meta-analytic review of the Dark Tetrad
With this meta-analytic review, we aimed to estimate the relationship that sadistic personality
has with the Dark Triad traits and, secondarily, describe the research on the Dark Tetrad …
has with the Dark Triad traits and, secondarily, describe the research on the Dark Tetrad …
[HTML][HTML] Dark triads, tetrads, tents, and cores: Why navigate (research) the jungle of dark personality models without a compass (criterion)?
This comprehensive review summarizes and evaluates the present state of the Dark Triad
research literature (or more broadly, the dark personality trait literature), and as such serves …
research literature (or more broadly, the dark personality trait literature), and as such serves …
The place of the “Dark Triad” in general models of personality: Some meta-analytic clarification.
A Schreiber, B Marcus - Psychological Bulletin, 2020 -
The present research is aimed at clarifying meta-analytically the relation of so-called Dark
Triad (DT; ie, narcissism, Machiavellianism, or psychopathy) traits to factor analytic models …
Triad (DT; ie, narcissism, Machiavellianism, or psychopathy) traits to factor analytic models …
Examining the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4) across models, correlates, and gender
To date, no studies have examined a range of structural models of the interpersonally
aversive traits tapped by the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4; narcissism, Machiavellianism …
aversive traits tapped by the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4; narcissism, Machiavellianism …
Sadism: Review of an elusive construct
L Foulkes - Personality and individual differences, 2019 - Elsevier
Sadism is a personality trait characterised by the enjoyment of other people's pain or
suffering. In this narrative literature review, I provide an overview of the sadism research to …
suffering. In this narrative literature review, I provide an overview of the sadism research to …
Subclinical sadism and the Dark Triad
LK Johnson, RA Plouffe… - Journal of Individual …, 2019 -
The Dark Triad is a constellation of three antisocial personality traits: Machiavellianism,
narcissism, and psychopathy. Recently, researchers have introduced a “Dark Tetrad” that …
narcissism, and psychopathy. Recently, researchers have introduced a “Dark Tetrad” that …
Does the study of culture enrich our understanding of autism? A cross-cultural exploration of life on the spectrum in Japan and the West
Autism spectrum condition is a neurodevelopmental condition in which people are
characterized by their social differences. As such, autistic behaviors are often identified as …
characterized by their social differences. As such, autistic behaviors are often identified as …
The next distinction without a difference: Do psychopathy and sadism scales assess the same construct?
C Blötner, A Mokros - Personality and Individual Differences, 2023 - Elsevier
There is vigorous debate about the distinctiveness of the components that make up the Dark
Triad. With its expansion toward the Dark Tetrad, the inclusion of everyday sadism sparked …
Triad. With its expansion toward the Dark Tetrad, the inclusion of everyday sadism sparked …
The Dark Tetrad: analysis of profiles and relationship with the Big Five personality factors
Abstract The Dark Tetrad (DT) is composed of the traits of Narcissism, Machiavellianism,
Psychopathy, and Sadism. Most studies analyzing the DT have employed a variable …
Psychopathy, and Sadism. Most studies analyzing the DT have employed a variable …
A systematic comparison of three sadism measures and their ability to explain workplace mistreatment over and above the dark triad
The present study investigated a potential antecedent of workplace mistreatment, sadism,
which represents the dispositional tendency to engage in cruel, demeaning, or harmful …
which represents the dispositional tendency to engage in cruel, demeaning, or harmful …