Impact of pesticides on diversity and abundance of predatory arthropods in rice ecosystem

AM Raut, AN Banu, W Akram, RS Nain… - Applied and …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most important cereal crops with a diverse set of pests and
natural enemies. Rice fields often support a high diversity of arthropods which contribute …

[PDF][PDF] Diversity and temporal distribution of birds in rice-growing landscape, Northern Peninsular Malaysia

AN Munira, ALN Salmi, MSS Anuar, M Muin… - Sains …, 2014 -
Rice fields are traditional landscape in Malaysia that sustains various species of birds.
Waterbirds, raptors, Passeriformes and Columbiformes were observed and counted using …

Spatial-temporal effects on fish diversity and assemblages in a highly modified environment

M Aqmal-Naser, K Iguchi, AB Ahmad - Urban Ecosystems, 2023 - Springer
The paddy field is a man-made habitat and is subjected to various agronomic practices but
only for a temporary period, in line with the stages of paddy planting. We hypothesised that …

[PDF][PDF] Checklist of fishes in rice agroecosystem in Seberang Prai Tengah, Pulau Pinang, Peninsular Malaysia with notes on the emergence of the introduced species

M Aqmal-Naser, AB Ahmad - Malayan Nature Journal, 2018 -
Thirty-six species of freshwater fishes from 20 families were recorded from the rice fields in
Seberang Perai Tengah, Pulau Pinang. All the fishes were collected from various habitats …

The Rice-Growing Cycle Influences Diversity and Species Assemblages of Birds in the Paddy Field Ecosystem in East Peninsular Malaysia.

FS Mohd-Taib, HA Kamaruddin - Pertanika Journal of …, 2018 -
The paddy field ecosystem is an important habitat for water birds, as well as some migratory
species due to the abundance of food resources. We want to determine which factors …

[PDF][PDF] Tropical agricultural science

SMR Karim, M Mohd, SNA Samsi - Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci, 2018 -
Lantana camara L. and Parthenium hysterophorus L. are two invasive weed species in
Malaysia, but sufficient information is not available on the uses of these invasive species for …

[PDF][PDF] Avian species composition profile and feeding guilds under the aerobic rice field

B Amzah, R Baki, MH Yahya - Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit …, 2021 -
D:\JHPT Tropika\BC.JURNAL.DES08 Page 1 Amzah et al. Avian Species Composition
Profile and Feeding Guilds 63 J. HPT Tropika Vol. 21, No. 1, March 2021 Pages: 63–71 …

Rapid screening of phytopathogenic Erwinia sp. of two potato varieties (spunta and desiree) from Algerian agricultural fields

S Mokrani, E Nabti - Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan …, 2021 -
Rapid screening of phytopathogenic Erwinia sp. of two potato varieties (Spunta and
Desiree) from Algerian agricultural fileds. Isolation, phenotypic identification and in vitro …

[PDF][PDF] Sistem Mina Padi Di Desa Manik Rambung Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan Sumatera Utara

AZ Siregar - Pertanian Tropik, 2015 -
Beras dan ikan merupakan komponen penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang dihaslkan
dari sawah padi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama dua tahun, dimulai sejak Desember 2008 …


AZ Siregar - Jurnal Online Pertanian Tropik, 2015 -
Beras dan ikan merupakan komponen penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang dihaslkan
dari sawah padi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama dua tahun, dimulai sejak Desember 2008 …