Advancements in sorption-based materials for hydrogen storage and utilization: A comprehensive review

F Qureshi, M Yusuf, S Ahmed, M Haq, AM Alraih… - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
With its remarkable energy density and eco-friendly combustion properties, hydrogen stands
as a beacon of hope in our quest to meet future energy needs while ushering in a cleaner …

AB2-type rare earth-based compounds with C-15 structure: Looking for reversible hydrogen storage materials

H Shen, J Zhang, V Paul-Boncour, P Li, Z Li, Y Wu… - Journal of Rare …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract AB 2-type (A= rare earth, B= transition metal) intermetallic compounds with C 15
structure can easily absorb large amount of hydrogen, showing their potential use as …

Hydrogen storage performance and phase transformations in as-cast and extruded Mg-Ni-Gd-Y-Zn-Cu alloys

H Yao, G Zeng, XF Tan, Q Gu, K Nogita, J Guo… - Journal of Materials …, 2023 - Elsevier
Thermal-mechanical processing of magnesium-based materials is an effective method to
tailor the hydrogen storage performance. In this study, Mg-Ni-Gd-Y-Zn-Cu alloys were …

Crucial role of Mg on phase transformation and stability of Sm–Mg–Ni-based AB2 type hydrogen storage alloy

Y Zhang, Y Li, G Wu, C Fan, L Zhang, S Han - Chemical Engineering …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Rare earth–Mg–Ni-based alloys are promising candidate for high-capacity
hydrogen storage materials, and Mg is the key elements to maintain its crystal structure …

Hydrogen sorption properties of new magnesium intermetallic compounds with MgSnCu4 type structure

ZA Matysina, NA Gavrylyuk, MТ Kartel… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
A statistical theory of the MgCeCo 4–H 2 system has been developed for hydrogenation and
phase transitions under pressure. The free energy value is calculated. The equation of …

The effect of Gd on the microstructure and electrochemical properties of Mg-Ni-based alloys

W Chen, J Sha, L Li, J Bao, Y Yang, M Qiao… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Mg-Ni-based alloys have been extensively investigated as negative electrode
materials in Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) batteries. In this work, two Mg-Ni-based samples …

Heat treatment effect on structural evolution and hydrogen sorption properties of Y0.5La0.2Mg0.3−xNi2 compound

H Shen, LJ Jiang, P Li, HP Yuan, ZN Li, JX Zhang - Rare Metals, 2023 - Springer
The effect of heat treatment on phase occurrence, crystal structures and hydrogen sorption
properties of Y0. 5La0. 2Mg0. 3− x Ni2 compounds has been investigated. The targeted …

Microstructure and hydrogenation properties of RETMMg15 (RE= Nd, Gd; TM= Cu, Ni) alloys

M Legrée, E Gaudin, J Huot, JL Bobet - International Journal of Hydrogen …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this study, five RETMMg 15 (RE= Nd and/or Gd, TM= Ni and/or Cu) alloys have been
successfully synthesized by induction melting of pure elements and characterized by XRD …

First-principles study of binary and ternary phases in Mg-Gd-Ni alloys

Y Zhu, C Hao, Z Li, J Zou, L Qin, Y Niu, L Ma… - Physica B: Condensed …, 2024 - Elsevier
Given the high demand for magnesium alloys across industries, it's crucial to enhance their
performance by develo** alloys with superior characteristics. The performance of …

Structural Study of La4MgNi19 Hydride by In Situ X-ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction

J Nakamura, K Iwase, H Hayakawa… - The Journal of …, 2009 - ACS Publications
In situ X-ray and neutron powder diffraction were carried out for the La4MgNi19 alloy
sample, which was obtained by annealing under controlled Mg-vapor pressure and …