Integration of water management and urban design for climate resilient cities
N Dolman - Climate Resilient Urban Areas: Governance, design …, 2021 - Springer
Urban design can play a key role in addressing a wide range of climate-related water
challenges such as water pollution, water scarcity, floods, land subsidence, storm water …
challenges such as water pollution, water scarcity, floods, land subsidence, storm water …
Assessing the leapfrogging potential to water sensitive: the Dutch case of Zwolle
Urban floods can cause significant damage and are expected to become more common due
to climate change. Previous research has identified that climate change adaptation in cities …
to climate change. Previous research has identified that climate change adaptation in cities …
[HTML][HTML] 'Water sensitive cities': Planning and evaluation of its theoretical application in a Mexican City with high hydric stress
Cities can be viewed as a source of solutions to environmental problems. The Water-
Sensitive Cities (WSC) model is part of the solution when trying to transform the current …
Sensitive Cities (WSC) model is part of the solution when trying to transform the current …
[PDF][PDF] Perceptions of blue-green and grey infrastructure as climate change adaptation strategies for urban water resilience
Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI, including swales, green roofs, and wetlands) plays an
important role in reducing vulnerability to climate change risks such as flooding, heat stress …
important role in reducing vulnerability to climate change risks such as flooding, heat stress …
[PDF][PDF] How water sensitive is your city? Benchmarking and navigation in planning for climate adaptation of midsize cities in the North Sea region
How can we benchmark climate action and navigate in climate resiliency pathways?
Inspired by the 'Water Sensitive City'approach, a www-based decision support tool (DST) is …
Inspired by the 'Water Sensitive City'approach, a www-based decision support tool (DST) is …
Unterstützungsbedarfe mittelgroßer Städte im Nordseeraum für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel
H Bormann, M Böge - Wasser und Abfall, 2020 - Springer
Aus aktuellen Studien und Berichten geht zweifelsfrei hervor, dass der globale und
regionale Klimawandel zunehmend voranschreitet und in den kommenden Jahrzehnten …
regionale Klimawandel zunehmend voranschreitet und in den kommenden Jahrzehnten …
Implicaciones territoriales de la demanda de agua en Colima-Villa de Álvarez, México: mecanismos de compensación
OM Mendoza, GS de León - Sociedad y Ambiente, 2024 -
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la extracción de agua para Colima-Villa de Álvarez,
México, las afectaciones territoriales en la zona de suministro, y los actuales mecanismos …
México, las afectaciones territoriales en la zona de suministro, y los actuales mecanismos …
Policy Interventions to Address Urban Water Problems of highly urbanised area due to Climate Change
C PATEL, R Singhal - MAUSAM, 2024 -
In this research firstly, the rainfall pattern of Ahmedabad and Surat, the fast-growing urban
areas of Gujarat state of India have been studied and compared. It is detected that what …
areas of Gujarat state of India have been studied and compared. It is detected that what …
Unterstützungsbedarfe mittelgroßer Städte im Nordseeraum für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel
H Bormann, M Böge - Wasser, Energie und Umwelt: Aktuelle Beiträge aus …, 2024 - Springer
Unterstützungsbedarfe mittelgroßer Städte im Nordseeraum für die Anpassung an den
Klimawandel wurden identifiziert. Diesen Städten fehlt es oft an einer strategischen …
Klimawandel wurden identifiziert. Diesen Städten fehlt es oft an einer strategischen …
Transitie naar de waterbewuste stad: Omgaan met verstedelijking, waterbeheer en klimaatverandering
In Nederland ging in 2017 het Deltaplan Ruimtelijke Adaptatie (DPRA) van start, als
onderdeel van het Deltaprogramma. De doelstelling uit het DPRA:“In 2050 is het bebouwde …
onderdeel van het Deltaprogramma. De doelstelling uit het DPRA:“In 2050 is het bebouwde …