On-line stator ground-fault location method for synchronous generators based on 100% stator low-frequency injection protection

FR Blánquez, CA Platero, E Rebollo… - Electric Power Systems …, 2015 - Elsevier
Locating stator-winding ground faults accurately is a very difficult task, especially in high-
impedance grounded generators. Through the conventional measurements of power plants …

High-sensitivity stator fault protection for synchronous generators: A time-domain approach based on mathematical morphology

AP de Morais, AS Bretas, S Brahma… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
This work presents an analytical methodology for synchronous generators stator faults
protection. The proposed method is built on a differential protection relay strategy. A …

Synchronous generator stator protection using a fuzzy logic‐based voltage‐controlled overcurrent protection scheme

P Mahdavipour Vahdati, H Seyedi… - … on Electrical Energy …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The most common protection scheme for synchronous generators against stator windings
fault is the differential protection scheme. In this paper, a new voltage‐controlled overcurrent …

A new digital ground-fault protection system for generator–transformer unit

M Zielichowski, T Szlezak - Electric power systems research, 2007 - Elsevier
Ground faults are one of most often reasons of damages in stator windings of large
generators. Under certain conditions, as a result of ground-fault protection systems …

Ground fault protection methods of a generator stator

AR Sultan, MW Mustafa, M Saini - Przegląd …, 2013 - repository.poliupg.ac.id
The type of generator grounding method and the system configuration determine the choice
of ground fault protection. Ground fault generator stator can cause serious damage to the …

Improvements in ground-fault protection of unit-connected generator stator winding using laboratory test environment

M Zielichowski, T Szlezak - Electric power systems research, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper describes an idea of realization of a software–hardware laboratory environment
enabling to run research and implementation in the area of ground-fault protection of …

[PDF][PDF] Development and improvement of protection-system algorithms for ground-fault detection and location in synchronous machines

FR Blánquez - 2015 - oa.upm.es
ORIGINALES 169 5.1. Conclusiones principales............................ 170 5.2. Trabajos …

Ground-fault protection of four-pole generators with two parallel branches in phase winding

M Zielichowski, T Szlezak - IEEE transactions on power …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An analysis of the operating conditions of a third harmonic ground-fault protection system for
a four-pole generator with two parallel branches in the phase winding was carried out. The …

[PDF][PDF] Design and analysis of neutral grounding transformer for hydro alternators

M Bais, A Basit, S Ali, M Sadiq, I Ahmad - Int. J. Eng. Work, 2019 - academia.edu
Power Generators of high KVA rating especially that of hydropower plant are very much
prone to the ground faults. Stator ground faults are the most common winding failure in …

[PDF][PDF] Real Time Digital Simulation and Testing of Generator Protection Elements

GA Xoliswa - 2018 - core.ac.uk
Power system protection is designed to identify and isolate the system from any type of fault
or abnormal condition which may endanger the equipment and operation of the system as a …