Molecular chemistry in cavity strong coupling

K Hirai, JA Hutchison, H Uji-i - Chemical Reviews, 2023 - ACS Publications
The coherent exchange of energy between materials and optical fields leads to strong light–
matter interactions and so-called polaritonic states with intriguing properties, halfway …

Light–matter interactions with photonic quasiparticles

N Rivera, I Kaminer - Nature Reviews Physics, 2020 -
Interactions between light and matter play an instrumental role in spectroscopy, sensing,
quantum information processing and lasers. In most of these applications, light is considered …

Non-equilibrium Bose–Einstein condensation in photonic systems

J Bloch, I Carusotto, M Wouters - Nature Reviews Physics, 2022 -
Abstract The study of Bose–Einstein condensation effects in photonic systems has revealed
a rich phenomenology related to spontaneous coherence generation in driven-dissipative …

Strong light–matter interactions: a new direction within chemistry

M Hertzog, M Wang, J Mony, K Börjesson - Chemical Society Reviews, 2019 -
It is possible to modify the chemical and physical properties of molecules, not only through
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …

Exciton–polariton condensates

T Byrnes, NY Kim, Y Yamamoto - Nature Physics, 2014 -
Recently a new type of system exhibiting spontaneous coherence has emerged—the
exciton–polariton condensate. Exciton–polaritons (or polaritons for short) are bosonic …

Bose–Einstein condensation in a plasmonic lattice

TK Hakala, AJ Moilanen, AI Väkeväinen, R Guo… - Nature Physics, 2018 -
Bose–Einstein condensation is a remarkable manifestation of quantum statistics and
macroscopic quantum coherence. Superconductivity and superfluidity have their origin in …

From excitonic to photonic polariton condensate in a ZnO-based microcavity

F Li, L Orosz, O Kamoun, S Bouchoule, C Brimont… - Physical review …, 2013 - APS
We report exciton-polariton condensation in a new family of fully hybrid ZnO-based
microcavity demonstrating the best-quality ZnO material available (a bulk substrate), a large …

Polariton polarization-sensitive phenomena in planar semiconductor microcavities

IA Shelykh, AV Kavokin, YG Rubo… - Semiconductor …, 2009 -
From a theoretical point of view, we discuss a variety of phenomena linked to the spin and
polarization degree of freedom of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities. We start …

Exciton-polariton mediated superconductivity

FP Laussy, AV Kavokin, IA Shelykh - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
We revisit the exciton mechanism of superconductivity in the framework of microcavity
physics, replacing virtual excitons as a binding agent of Cooper pairs by excitations of an …

Spontaneous spin bifurcations and ferromagnetic phase transitions in a spinor exciton-polariton condensate

H Ohadi, A Dreismann, YG Rubo, F Pinsker… - Physical Review X, 2015 - APS
We observe a spontaneous parity breaking bifurcation to a ferromagnetic state in a spatially
trapped exciton-polariton condensate. At a critical bifurcation density under nonresonant …