Molecular chemistry in cavity strong coupling
The coherent exchange of energy between materials and optical fields leads to strong light–
matter interactions and so-called polaritonic states with intriguing properties, halfway …
matter interactions and so-called polaritonic states with intriguing properties, halfway …
Light–matter interactions with photonic quasiparticles
Interactions between light and matter play an instrumental role in spectroscopy, sensing,
quantum information processing and lasers. In most of these applications, light is considered …
quantum information processing and lasers. In most of these applications, light is considered …
Non-equilibrium Bose–Einstein condensation in photonic systems
Abstract The study of Bose–Einstein condensation effects in photonic systems has revealed
a rich phenomenology related to spontaneous coherence generation in driven-dissipative …
a rich phenomenology related to spontaneous coherence generation in driven-dissipative …
Strong light–matter interactions: a new direction within chemistry
It is possible to modify the chemical and physical properties of molecules, not only through
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …
Exciton–polariton condensates
Recently a new type of system exhibiting spontaneous coherence has emerged—the
exciton–polariton condensate. Exciton–polaritons (or polaritons for short) are bosonic …
exciton–polariton condensate. Exciton–polaritons (or polaritons for short) are bosonic …
Bose–Einstein condensation in a plasmonic lattice
Bose–Einstein condensation is a remarkable manifestation of quantum statistics and
macroscopic quantum coherence. Superconductivity and superfluidity have their origin in …
macroscopic quantum coherence. Superconductivity and superfluidity have their origin in …
From excitonic to photonic polariton condensate in a ZnO-based microcavity
We report exciton-polariton condensation in a new family of fully hybrid ZnO-based
microcavity demonstrating the best-quality ZnO material available (a bulk substrate), a large …
microcavity demonstrating the best-quality ZnO material available (a bulk substrate), a large …
Polariton polarization-sensitive phenomena in planar semiconductor microcavities
From a theoretical point of view, we discuss a variety of phenomena linked to the spin and
polarization degree of freedom of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities. We start …
polarization degree of freedom of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities. We start …
Exciton-polariton mediated superconductivity
We revisit the exciton mechanism of superconductivity in the framework of microcavity
physics, replacing virtual excitons as a binding agent of Cooper pairs by excitations of an …
physics, replacing virtual excitons as a binding agent of Cooper pairs by excitations of an …
Spontaneous spin bifurcations and ferromagnetic phase transitions in a spinor exciton-polariton condensate
We observe a spontaneous parity breaking bifurcation to a ferromagnetic state in a spatially
trapped exciton-polariton condensate. At a critical bifurcation density under nonresonant …
trapped exciton-polariton condensate. At a critical bifurcation density under nonresonant …