Optimal treatment regimes: a review and empirical comparison

Z Li, J Chen, E Laber, F Liu… - International Statistical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
A treatment regime is a sequence of decision rules, one per decision point, that maps
accumulated patient information to a recommended intervention. An optimal treatment …

Ambiguous dynamic treatment regimes: A reinforcement learning approach

S Saghafian - Management Science, 2024 - pubsonline.informs.org
A main research goal in various studies is to use an observational data set and provide a
new set of counterfactual guidelines that can yield causal improvements. Dynamic …

Robust and agnostic learning of conditional distributional treatment effects

N Kallus, M Oprescu - International Conference on Artificial …, 2023 - proceedings.mlr.press
The conditional average treatment effect (CATE) is the best measure of individual causal
effects given baseline covariates. However, the CATE only captures the (conditional) …

Statistical reinforcement learning and dynamic treatment regimes

T Shen, Y Cui - Statistics in Precision Health: Theory, Methods and …, 2024 - Springer
This chapter introduces to readers the concept and methodology of reinforcement learning
and modern-day dynamic treatment regimes in statistics. This discussion should be of …

Policy learning with distributional welfare

Y Cui, S Han - arxiv preprint arxiv:2311.15878, 2023 - arxiv.org
In this paper, we explore optimal treatment allocation policies that target distributional
welfare. Most literature on treatment choice has considered utilitarian welfare based on the …

Off-policy evaluation with policy-dependent optimization response

W Guo, M Jordan, A Zhou - Advances in Neural Information …, 2022 - proceedings.neurips.cc
The intersection of causal inference and machine learning for decision-making is rapidly
expanding, but the default decision criterion remains an average of individual causal …

Limits of Approximating the Median Treatment Effect

R Addanki, S Bhandari - The Thirty Seventh Annual …, 2024 - proceedings.mlr.press
Abstract Average Treatment Effect (ATE) estimation is a well-studied problem in causal
inference. However, it does not necessarily capture the heterogeneity in the data, and …

Locally Robust Policy Learning: Inequality, Inequality of Opportunity and Intergenerational Mobility

J Terschuur - arxiv preprint arxiv:2502.13868, 2025 - arxiv.org
Policy makers need to decide whether to treat or not to treat heterogeneous individuals. The
optimal treatment choice depends on the welfare function that the policy maker has in mind …

Finding Subgroups with Significant Treatment Effects

J Spiess, V Syrgkanis, VY Wang - arxiv preprint arxiv:2103.07066, 2021 - arxiv.org
Researchers often run resource-intensive randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to estimate
the causal effects of interventions on outcomes of interest. Yet these outcomes are often …

[PDF][PDF] Evidence-Based Policy Learning

J Spiess, V Syrgkanis - arxiv preprint arxiv:2103.07066, 2021 - gsb-faculty.stanford.edu
Recent years have seen the development of machine-learning algorithms that estimate
heterogeneous causal effects from randomized controlled trials. While the estimation of …