Quantum science with optical tweezer arrays of ultracold atoms and molecules

AM Kaufman, KK Ni - Nature Physics, 2021 - nature.com
Single atoms and molecules can be trapped in tightly focused beams of light that form
'optical tweezers', affording exquisite capabilities for the control and detection of individual …

Few-body Bose gases in low dimensions—A laboratory for quantum dynamics

SI Mistakidis, AG Volosniev, RE Barfknecht, T Fogarty… - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
Cold atomic gases have become a paradigmatic system for exploring fundamental physics,
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …

Observation of Cooper pairs in a mesoscopic two-dimensional Fermi gas

M Holten, L Bayha, K Subramanian, S Brandstetter… - Nature, 2022 - nature.com
The formation of strongly correlated fermion pairs is fundamental for the emergence of
fermionic superfluidity and superconductivity. For instance, Cooper pairs made of two …

Quantum variational learning of the entanglement Hamiltonian

C Kokail, B Sundar, TV Zache, A Elben, B Vermersch… - Physical review …, 2021 - APS
Learning the structure of the entanglement Hamiltonian (EH) is central to characterizing
quantum many-body states in analog quantum simulation. We describe a protocol where …

Imaging the initial condition of heavy-ion collisions and nuclear structure across the nuclide chart

J Jia, G Giacalone, B Bally, JD Brandenburg… - Nuclear Science and …, 2024 - Springer
High-energy nuclear collisions encompass three key stages: the structure of the colliding
nuclei, informed by low-energy nuclear physics, the initial condition, leading to the formation …

In Situ Imaging of a Single-Atom Wave Packet in Continuous Space

J Verstraten, K Dai, M Dixmerias, B Peaudecerf… - Physical Review Letters, 2025 - APS
We report on the imaging of the in situ spatial distribution of deterministically prepared single-
atom wave packets as they expand in a plane, finding excellent agreement with the scaling …

Enhancing disorder-free localization through dynamically emergent local symmetries

JC Halimeh, L Homeier, H Zhao, A Bohrdt, F Grusdt… - PRX Quantum, 2022 - APS
Disorder-free localization is a recently discovered phenomenon of nonergodicity that can
emerge in quantum many-body systems hosting gauge symmetries when the initial state is …

Few-body analog quantum simulation with Rydberg-dressed atoms in optical lattices

D Malz, JI Cirac - PRX Quantum, 2023 - APS
Most experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattices have contact interactions and
therefore operate at high densities of around one atom per site to observe the effect of strong …

Pauli blocking of atom-light scattering

C Sanner, L Sonderhouse, RB Hutson, L Yan… - Science, 2021 - science.org
Transition rates between coupled states in a quantum system depend on the density of
available final states. The radiative decay of an excited atomic state has been suppressed …

Imaging a Atom in an Optical Tweezer 2000 Times with -Enhanced Gray Molasses

KN Blodgett, D Peana, SS Phatak, LM Terry… - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
We have imaged lithium-6 thousands of times in an optical tweezer using Λ-enhanced gray
molasses cooling light. Despite being the lightest alkali metal, with a recoil temperature of …