Covariate-adaptive randomization inference in matched designs
It is common to conduct causal inference in matched observational studies by proceeding as
though treatment assignments within matched sets are assigned uniformly at random and …
though treatment assignments within matched sets are assigned uniformly at random and …
Randomization inference: Theory and applications
We review approaches to statistical inference based on randomization. Permutation tests
are treated as an important special case. Under a certain group invariance property, referred …
are treated as an important special case. Under a certain group invariance property, referred …
Maintaining the validity of inference from linear mixed models in stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials under misspecified random-effects structures
Linear mixed<? show [AQ ID= GQ2 POS=-18pt]?><? show [AQ ID= GQ4]?><? show [AQ ID=
GQ5 POS= 12pt]?> models are commonly used in analyzing stepped-wedge cluster …
GQ5 POS= 12pt]?> models are commonly used in analyzing stepped-wedge cluster …
On the term “randomization test”
J Hemerik - The American Statistician, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
There is no consensus on the meaning of the term “randomization test.” Contradictory uses
of the term are leading to confusion, misunderstandings and indeed invalid data analyses. A …
of the term are leading to confusion, misunderstandings and indeed invalid data analyses. A …
[HTML][HTML] 2D/3D-QSAR Model Development Based on a Quinoline Pharmacophoric Core for the Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum: An In Silico Approach with …
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium spp. parasites, with widespread
drug resistance to most antimalarial drugs. We report the development of two 3D-QSAR …
drug resistance to most antimalarial drugs. We report the development of two 3D-QSAR …
More power by using fewer permutations
NW Koning - Biometrika, 2024 - academic.oup.com
It is conventionally believed that permutation-based testing methods should ideally use all
permutations. We challenge this by showing that we can sometimes obtain dramatically …
permutations. We challenge this by showing that we can sometimes obtain dramatically …
Simultaneous hypothesis testing using internal negative controls with an application to proteomics
Z Gao, Q Zhao - arxiv preprint arxiv:2303.01552, 2023 - arxiv.org
Negative control is a common technique in scientific investigations and broadly refers to the
situation where a null effect (''negative result'') is expected. Motivated by a real proteomic …
situation where a null effect (''negative result'') is expected. Motivated by a real proteomic …
Selective Randomization Inference for Adaptive Experiments
Adaptive experiments use preliminary analyses of the data to inform further course of action
and are commonly used in many disciplines including medical and social sciences …
and are commonly used in many disciplines including medical and social sciences …
Randomization inference of heterogeneous treatment effects under network interference
J Owusu - arxiv preprint arxiv:2308.00202, 2023 - arxiv.org
We design randomization tests of heterogeneous treatment effects when units interact on a
single connected network. Our modeling strategy allows network interference into the …
single connected network. Our modeling strategy allows network interference into the …
Causal inference for N-of-1 trials
The aim of personalized medicine is to tailor treatment decisions to individuals'
characteristics. N-of-1 trials are within-person crossover trials that hold the promise of …
characteristics. N-of-1 trials are within-person crossover trials that hold the promise of …