Bird conservation and biodiversity research in Mexico: status and priorities
Mexico has a megadiverse avifauna that includes many endemic elements, as well as rich
sets of species ranging farther north or farther south in the Americas. This avifauna …
sets of species ranging farther north or farther south in the Americas. This avifauna …
An exploration of species boundaries in turret-building tarantulas of the Mojave Desert (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae, Aphonopelma)
Tarantulas in the North American genus Aphonopelma are poorly known due to their
challenging patterns of morphological variation and questionable taxonomy; few specimens …
challenging patterns of morphological variation and questionable taxonomy; few specimens …
Demographic consequences of foraging ecology explain genetic diversification in Neotropical bird species
Despite evidence that species' traits affect rates of bird diversification, biogeographic studies
tend to prioritise earth history in Neotropical bird speciation. Here we compare mitochondrial …
tend to prioritise earth history in Neotropical bird speciation. Here we compare mitochondrial …
[HTML][HTML] Patrones históricos y actuales de diversidad y relaciones biogeográficas de la avifauna residente de los bosques tropicales de México
Presentamos un análisis de la diversidad y de los patrones biogeográficos de 260 especies
de aves residentes de los bosques tropicales de México, realizado a partir de datos …
de aves residentes de los bosques tropicales de México, realizado a partir de datos …
In and out of Mesoamerica: temporal divergence of Amazilia hummingbirds pre‐dates the orthodox account of the completion of the Isthmus of Panama
Aim We used mitochondrial DNA sequences to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of
Mesoamerican A mazilia hummingbirds (T rochilidae). The phylogeny was used to identify …
Mesoamerican A mazilia hummingbirds (T rochilidae). The phylogeny was used to identify …
Diversification across the New World within the 'blue'cardinalids (Aves: Cardinalidae)
Aim To examine the history of diversification of 'blue'cardinalids (Cardinalidae) across North
and South America. Location North America (including Middle America) and South America …
and South America. Location North America (including Middle America) and South America …
Phylogeography of the widespread white-eared hummingbird (Hylocharis leucotis): pre-glacial expansion and genetic differentiation of populations separated by the …
The Pleistocene glacial cycles had a strong influence on the demography and genetic
structure of many species, particularly on northern-latitude taxa. Here we studied the …
structure of many species, particularly on northern-latitude taxa. Here we studied the …
Genetic, Ecological and Morphological Divergence between Populations of the Endangered Mexican Sheartail Hummingbird (Doricha eliza)
The Mexican Sheartail (Doricha eliza), an endangered hummingbird, is endemic to Mexico
where two populations have a disjunct distribution. One population is distributed along the …
where two populations have a disjunct distribution. One population is distributed along the …
Continental-scale analysis reveals deep diversification within the polytypic Red-crowned Ant Tanager (Habia rubica, Cardinalidae)
We explored the phylogeographic patterns of intraspecific diversity in the Red-crowned Ant
Tanager (Habia rubica) throughout its continent-wide distribution, in order to understand its …
Tanager (Habia rubica) throughout its continent-wide distribution, in order to understand its …
Molecular and iridescent feather reflectance data reveal recent genetic diversification and phenotypic differentiation in a cloud forest hummingbird
The present day distribution and spatial genetic diversity of Mesoamerican biota reflects a
long history of responses to habitat change. The hummingbird Lampornis amethystinus is …
long history of responses to habitat change. The hummingbird Lampornis amethystinus is …