[HTML][HTML] Sustainability of phytoremediation: post-harvest stratagems and economic opportunities for the produced metals contaminated biomass
Heavy metals (HMs) are indestructible and non-biodegradable. Phytoremediation presents
an opportunity to transfer HMs from environmental matrices into plants, making it easy to …
an opportunity to transfer HMs from environmental matrices into plants, making it easy to …
Contaminants of emerging concerns in recycled water: Fate and risks in agroecosystems
Q Shi, Y ** for a secure and sustainable hemp industry: A systematic literature review
As a versatile and multipurpose plant, hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) possesses immense
potential for its application in nutraceuticals, food and nutrition, fibre, and construction …
potential for its application in nutraceuticals, food and nutrition, fibre, and construction …
Elucidating the phytoremediation potentials and ecophysiological mechanisms of indicator plants in the industrial polluted region
The integrity of natural ecosystems, particularly in the Global South, is increasingly
compromised by industrial contaminants. Our study examines the growth of plant species …
compromised by industrial contaminants. Our study examines the growth of plant species …
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) can utilize and remediate soil strongly contaminated with Cu, As, Cd, and Pb by phytoattenuation
Y Guo, L Wen, X Zhao, C **ng, R Huang - Chemosphere, 2024 - Elsevier
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) has great application potential in heavy metal-polluted
soils owing to its safe non-food utilization. However, the fate of heavy metals in different …
soils owing to its safe non-food utilization. However, the fate of heavy metals in different …
[HTML][HTML] The emerging hemp industry: a review of industrial hemp materials and product manufacturing
There is a growing need for resilient and renewable materials to aid society in global
sustainability. It is incumbent upon the agricultural and manufacturing industries to work …
sustainability. It is incumbent upon the agricultural and manufacturing industries to work …