[HTML][HTML] The potential of digital tools to enhance mathematics and science learning in secondary schools: A context-specific meta-analysis
Based on systematic research of studies published since the year 2000, this comprehensive
meta-analysis investigated how the use of technology can enhance learning in secondary …
meta-analysis investigated how the use of technology can enhance learning in secondary …
Application of Integrals in Calculating Ball Volume using GeoGebra
Integral Calculus is a form of mathematics learning that can be applied in everyday life. One
application is in calculating the volume of rotating objects. In this research, we combine …
application is in calculating the volume of rotating objects. In this research, we combine …
Effect of GeoGebra-Aided REACT Strategy on Understanding of Geometry Concepts.
The aim of this research was to examine the effect of GeoGebra-aided REACT strategy on
the understanding of geometry concepts and to investigate the interaction between learning …
the understanding of geometry concepts and to investigate the interaction between learning …
ICT-supported problem solving and collaborative creative reasoning: Exploring linear functions using dynamic mathematics software
The present study investigates how a dynamic software program, GeoGebra, may support
students' collaboration and creative reasoning during mathematical problem solving. Thirty …
students' collaboration and creative reasoning during mathematical problem solving. Thirty …
Effect of using Desmos on high school students' understanding and learning of functions
This study examines the effect of using Desmos on students' performance in learning
functions. An embedded mixed methods design was applied and involved 98 students from …
functions. An embedded mixed methods design was applied and involved 98 students from …
The Effect of Geogebra on Students' Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge: The Case of Applications of Derivative.
MF Ocal - Higher Education Studies, 2017 - ERIC
Integrating the properties of computer algebra systems and dynamic geometry
environments, Geogebra became an effective and powerful tool for teaching and learning …
environments, Geogebra became an effective and powerful tool for teaching and learning …
The Increasing Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated through GeoGebra Based Teaching Reviewed from Initial Mathematical Ability (IMA) Level.
The purpose of this study was to identify improvements in Self Efficacy and self-regulated
through GeoGebra Based Teaching seen from the level of students' initial mathematical …
through GeoGebra Based Teaching seen from the level of students' initial mathematical …
Geogebra software in mathematical skills of high school students: Systematic review
The research aimed to analyze the publications about the effect of the software geogebra on
the mathematical competences in high school students in the last decade. The final sample …
the mathematical competences in high school students in the last decade. The final sample …
Pengaruh pendekatan matematika realistik terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa
Pemahaman konsep matematika masih rendah di kalangan pelajar baik pada tingkat dasar
maupun menengah. Penggunaan pendekatan pembelajaran harus menjadi perhatian …
maupun menengah. Penggunaan pendekatan pembelajaran harus menjadi perhatian …
Improving the learning environment for future mathematics teachers with the use application of the dynamic mathematics system GeoGebra AR
NV Osypova, VI Tatochenko - … of the 4th International Workshop on …, 2021 - lib.iitta.gov.ua
Immersive technologies and, in particular, augmented reality (AR) are rapidly changing the
sphere of education, especially in the field of science, technology, engineering, arts and …
sphere of education, especially in the field of science, technology, engineering, arts and …