Fluid mechanics in the driven cavity
PN Shankar, MD Deshpande - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2000 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract This review pertains to the body of work dealing with internal recirculating flows
generated by the motion of one or more of the containing walls. These flows are not only …
generated by the motion of one or more of the containing walls. These flows are not only …
The lid-driven cavity
The lid-driven cavity is an important fluid mechanical system serving as a benchmark for
testing numerical methods and for studying fundamental aspects of incompressible flows in …
testing numerical methods and for studying fundamental aspects of incompressible flows in …
Mixed convection in a driven cavity with a stable vertical temperature gradient
R Iwatsu, JM Hyun, K Kuwahara - International Journal of Heat and Mass …, 1993 - Elsevier
Extensive parametric studies are made of flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid contained
in a square cavity. Flow is generated by the top horizontal boundary wall, which slides in its …
in a square cavity. Flow is generated by the top horizontal boundary wall, which slides in its …
The lid-driven cavity flow: a synthesis of qualitative and quantitative observations
JR Koseff, RL Street - 1984 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A synthesis of observations of flow in a three-dimensional lid-driven cavity is presented
through the use of flow visualization pictures and velocity and heat flux measurements. The …
through the use of flow visualization pictures and velocity and heat flux measurements. The …
Reynolds number and end‐wall effects on a lid‐driven cavity flow
A series of experiments has been conducted in a lid‐driven cavity of square cross section
(depth= width= 150 mm) for Reynolds numbers (Re, based on lid speed and cavity width) …
(depth= width= 150 mm) for Reynolds numbers (Re, based on lid speed and cavity width) …
Accurate three-dimensional lid-driven cavity flow
A Chebyshev-collocation method in space is introduced, which allows an accurate
calculation of three-dimensional lid-driven cavity flows. The time integration is carried out by …
calculation of three-dimensional lid-driven cavity flows. The time integration is carried out by …
Discussions on driven cavity flow
E Erturk - International journal for numerical methods in fluids, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The widely studied benchmark problem, two‐dimensional‐driven cavity flow problem is
discussed in detail in terms of physical and mathematical and also numerical aspects. A very …
discussed in detail in terms of physical and mathematical and also numerical aspects. A very …
Stabilized finite element method for incompressible flows with high Reynolds number
In the following paper, we discuss the exhaustive use and implementation of stabilization
finite element methods for the resolution of the 3D time-dependent incompressible Navier …
finite element methods for the resolution of the 3D time-dependent incompressible Navier …
Global stability of a lid‐driven cavity with throughflow: Flow visualization studies
Flow visualization studies of a lid‐driven cavity (LDC) with a small amount of throughflow
reveal multiple steady states at low cavity Reynolds numbers. These results show that the …
reveal multiple steady states at low cavity Reynolds numbers. These results show that the …
Three-dimensional centrifugal-flow instabilities in the lid-driven-cavity problem
The classical rectangular lid-driven-cavity problem is considered in which the motion of an
incompressible fluid is induced by a single lid moving tangentially to itself with constant …
incompressible fluid is induced by a single lid moving tangentially to itself with constant …