A state of art on magneto-rheological materials and their potential applications
Smart materials are kinds of designed materials whose properties are controllable with the
application of external stimuli such as the magnetic field, electric field, stress, and heat …
application of external stimuli such as the magnetic field, electric field, stress, and heat …
Magnetorheological elastomers: Fabrication, characteristics, and applications
Magnetorheological (MR) elastomers become one of the most powerful smart and advanced
materials that can be tuned reversibly, finely, and quickly in terms of their mechanical and …
materials that can be tuned reversibly, finely, and quickly in terms of their mechanical and …
Magnetorheological elastomer‐based materials and devices: state of the art and future perspectives
Magnetorheological elastomers based on the combination of a polymeric matrix with
magnetic fillers allow the possibility of controlling their mechanical properties when an …
magnetic fillers allow the possibility of controlling their mechanical properties when an …
Anti-sedimentation mechanism of rotary magnetorheological brake integrating multi-helix microstructure
T Zhu, T Wu, Z Gao, J Wu, Q **e, J Dai - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Solving the sedimentation problem of magnetorheological (MR) fluids is the key to
promoting the application of MR actuators for long-term storage. Current strategies for …
promoting the application of MR actuators for long-term storage. Current strategies for …
A review on vibration control strategies using magnetorheological materials actuators: Application perspective
Magnetorheological (MR) materials are a group of smart materials used in new technologies
with controlled reliability. The development of these materials is expanding, starting from MR …
with controlled reliability. The development of these materials is expanding, starting from MR …
Performance and stability of magnetorheological fluids—a detailed review of the state of the art
Magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) are functional materials, prepared by dispersing magnetic
particles in a nonmagnetic carrier fluid, that exhibit a change in mechanical properties (eg …
particles in a nonmagnetic carrier fluid, that exhibit a change in mechanical properties (eg …
Effect of temperature on rheological properties of lithium-based magnetorheological grease
This paper investigates the impact of temperature on the rheological properties of
magnetorheological (MR) grease containing carbonyl iron suspended in lithium-based …
magnetorheological (MR) grease containing carbonyl iron suspended in lithium-based …
Role of additives in enhancing the rheological properties of magnetorheological solids: A review
During the last two decades, magnetorheological (MR) materials have attracted a significant
amount of attention because of their tremendous potential for engineering applications. This …
amount of attention because of their tremendous potential for engineering applications. This …
[HTML][HTML] Rheological performance of magnetorheological grease with embedded graphite additives
The use of highly viscous grease as a medium in magnetorheological grease (MRG)
provides the benefit of avoiding sedimentation from occurring. However, it limits the …
provides the benefit of avoiding sedimentation from occurring. However, it limits the …
[HTML][HTML] Incorporation of cobalt ferrite on the field dependent performances of magnetorheological grease
Magnetorheological grease (MRG) is one of the smart materials that experiences a high off-
state viscosity, which hassles the operation of devices at the beginning and causes more …
state viscosity, which hassles the operation of devices at the beginning and causes more …