The right to sexuality, reproductive health, and found a family for people with intellectual disability: A systematic review
Although sexuality, reproductive health, and starting a family are human rights that should
be guaranteed for all citizens, they are still taboo issues for people with intellectual disability …
be guaranteed for all citizens, they are still taboo issues for people with intellectual disability …
Maternal disability and risk for pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Women with disabilities are increasingly becoming pregnant, and growing
evidence suggests maternal disability may be associated with increased risk for perinatal …
evidence suggests maternal disability may be associated with increased risk for perinatal …
The sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people with intellectual disability: A sco** review
Introduction We examined the breadth of research on sex, sexuality, and sexual and
reproductive health and rights with young people with intellectual disability in the past two …
reproductive health and rights with young people with intellectual disability in the past two …
Health care access for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A sco** review
Adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) often experience health
disparities. To address disparities, Healthy People 2020 includes specific disability and …
disparities. To address disparities, Healthy People 2020 includes specific disability and …
Pregnancy among US women: Differences by presence, type, and complexity of disability
Background Approximately 12% of women of reproductive age have some type of disability.
Very little is known about sexual and reproductive health issues among women with …
Very little is known about sexual and reproductive health issues among women with …
Barriers to reproductive health services for women with disability in low-and middle-income countries: a review of the literature
MT Casebolt - Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2020 - Elsevier
The aim of this literature review is to determine the existing literature regarding access to
reproductive health services for women with disabilities in low-and middle-income countries …
reproductive health services for women with disabilities in low-and middle-income countries …
Sco** review of sexual health education interventions for adolescents and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) may experience greater
risk of sexually transmitted infections, higher rates of sexual abuse, and decreased sexual …
risk of sexually transmitted infections, higher rates of sexual abuse, and decreased sexual …
Primary cesarean delivery patterns among women with physical, sensory, or intellectual disabilities
Background Little is known about the relationship between disability and mode of delivery.
Prior research has indicated elevated risk of cesarean delivery among women with certain …
Prior research has indicated elevated risk of cesarean delivery among women with certain …
Autistic people's perinatal experiences II: A survey of childbirth and postnatal experiences
Qualitative accounts indicate there are sensory and communication related barriers to
adequate childbirth and postnatal healthcare for autistic people. However, little quantitative …
adequate childbirth and postnatal healthcare for autistic people. However, little quantitative …
Intimate partner violence, reproductive coercion, and unintended pregnancy in women with disabilities
Background Women with disabilities experience higher rates of intimate partner violence
(IPV) than the general population. Reproductive coercion, a type of intimate partner …
(IPV) than the general population. Reproductive coercion, a type of intimate partner …