Rethinking minority stress: A social safety perspective on the health effects of stigma in sexually-diverse and gender-diverse populations
For over two decades, the minority stress model has guided research on the health of
sexually-diverse individuals (those who are not exclusively heterosexual) and gender …
sexually-diverse individuals (those who are not exclusively heterosexual) and gender …
Childhood adversity and neural development: A systematic review
An extensive literature on childhood adversity and neurodevelopment has emerged over the
past decade. We evaluate two conceptual models of adversity and neurodevelopment—the …
past decade. We evaluate two conceptual models of adversity and neurodevelopment—the …
Early life adversity shapes neural circuit function during sensitive postnatal developmental periods
Early life adversity (ELA) is a major risk factor for mental illness, but the neurobiological
mechanisms by which ELA increases the risk for future psychopathology are still poorly …
mechanisms by which ELA increases the risk for future psychopathology are still poorly …
[HTML][HTML] More than a feeling: A unified view of stress measurement for population science
Stress can influence health throughout the lifespan, yet there is little agreement about what
types and aspects of stress matter most for human health and disease. This is in part …
types and aspects of stress matter most for human health and disease. This is in part …
Adverse childhood experiences and the consequences on neurobiological, psychosocial, and somatic conditions across the lifespan
JI Herzog, C Schmahl - Frontiers in psychiatry, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Introduction: Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) such as sexual and physical abuse or
neglect are frequent in childhood and constitute a massive stressor with long-lasting …
neglect are frequent in childhood and constitute a massive stressor with long-lasting …
The effects of early life adversity on children's mental health and cognitive functioning
M Wade, L Wright, KE Finegold - Translational Psychiatry, 2022 - nature.com
Emerging evidence suggests that partially distinct mechanisms may underlie the association
between different dimensions of early life adversity (ELA) and psychopathology in children …
between different dimensions of early life adversity (ELA) and psychopathology in children …
The effects of childhood maltreatment on brain structure, function and connectivity
Maltreatment-related childhood adversity is the leading preventable risk factor for mental
illness and substance abuse. Although the association between maltreatment and …
illness and substance abuse. Although the association between maltreatment and …
Social thinning and stress generation after childhood maltreatment: A neurocognitive social transactional model of psychiatric vulnerability
Childhood maltreatment is associated with significant, enduring risk of psychiatric disorder.
In this paper, we review how neurocognitive alterations after maltreatment might indirectly …
In this paper, we review how neurocognitive alterations after maltreatment might indirectly …
Difficulties with emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic mechanism linking child maltreatment with the emergence of psychopathology
Childhood maltreatment is associated with increased risk for most forms of psychopathology.
We examine emotion dysregulation as a transdiagnostic mechanism linking maltreatment …
We examine emotion dysregulation as a transdiagnostic mechanism linking maltreatment …
Annual research review: enduring neurobiological effects of childhood abuse and neglect
Background Childhood maltreatment is the most important preventable cause of
psychopathology accounting for about 45% of the population attributable risk for childhood …
psychopathology accounting for about 45% of the population attributable risk for childhood …