Quark and strange quark matter solutions for higher dimensional FRW universe in Lyra geometry
In this study, we have investigated the higher dimensional flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker
(FRW) universe for a cloud of string with perfect fluid attached quark and strange quark …
(FRW) universe for a cloud of string with perfect fluid attached quark and strange quark …
[PDF][PDF] Bianchi type-III anisotropic universes with a cloud of strings in Lyra's geometry
VK Yadav, L Yadav, AK Yadav - Fizika B-Journal of Experimental and …, 2010 - academia.edu
The string theory plays a significant role in the study of physical situation at the very early
stages of formation of the universe. It is generally assumed that after the big-bang, the …
stages of formation of the universe. It is generally assumed that after the big-bang, the …
In this study, it has been investigated whether the energy and momentum can be localizable
for five-dimensional homogeneous and anisotropic universes. In this connection, energy …
for five-dimensional homogeneous and anisotropic universes. In this connection, energy …
Anizotropni svemiri Bianchijeve III vrste s oblakom struna u Lyrinoj geometriji
VK Yadav, L Yadav, AK Yadav - Fizika B: a journal of experimental and …, 2010 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Istražujemo Bianchijeve kozmološke modele III vrste u prisustvu tekućine struna
kao izvora tvari u okviru Lyrine geometrije. Nalazimo da prema modelima svemir počinje sa …
kao izvora tvari u okviru Lyrine geometrije. Nalazimo da prema modelima svemir počinje sa …
[CITATION][C] Lyra ve Riemann geometrilerinde yüksek boyutlu FRW evreni için genelleştirilmiş acayip quark madde çözümleri
H Çağlar - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü