A comprehensive survey of the analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints
A comprehensive survey of the literature of the most relevant analytical, numerical, and
experimental approaches for the kinematic and dynamic analyses of multibody mechanical …
experimental approaches for the kinematic and dynamic analyses of multibody mechanical …
Modeling and analysis of friction including rolling effects in multibody dynamics: a review
Friction exists in most mechanical systems, and it can have a major influence on their
dynamic performance and operating conditions. As a consequence of frictional contact …
dynamic performance and operating conditions. As a consequence of frictional contact …
[HTML][HTML] Contact-impact events with friction in multibody dynamics: Back to basics
Multibody dynamics deals with the study of mechanical systems composed of multiple
bodies, whose motion interactions are governed by the presence of kinematic constraints …
bodies, whose motion interactions are governed by the presence of kinematic constraints …
Compliant contact force models in multibody dynamics: Evolution of the Hertz contact theory
Over the last decades, several compliant contact force models have been proposed.
However, no complete and systematic comparison has been done on these models, which …
However, no complete and systematic comparison has been done on these models, which …
On the continuous contact force models for soft materials in multibody dynamics
A general and comprehensive analysis on the continuous contact force models for soft
materials in multibody dynamics is presented throughout this work. The force models are …
materials in multibody dynamics is presented throughout this work. The force models are …
Dynamics analysis and wear prediction of rigid-flexible coupling deployable solar array system with clearance joints considering solid lubrication
Y Li, Y Yang, M Li, Y Liu, Y Huang - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2022 - Elsevier
This study considers a solar array system as an example to explore the dynamic responses
and wear characteristics of a multi-body system considering clearance joints with solid …
and wear characteristics of a multi-body system considering clearance joints with solid …
Numerical and experimental investigation on multibody systems with revolute clearance joints
A comprehensive combined numerical and experimental study on the dynamic response of
a slider-crank mechanism with revolute clearance joints is presented and discussed in this …
a slider-crank mechanism with revolute clearance joints is presented and discussed in this …
A parametric study on the dynamic response of planar multibody systems with multiple clearance joints
P Flores - Nonlinear dynamics, 2010 - Springer
A general methodology for dynamic modeling and analysis of multibody systems with
multiple clearance joints is presented and discussed in this paper. The joint components that …
multiple clearance joints is presented and discussed in this paper. The joint components that …
Modeling and simulation of wear in revolute clearance joints in multibody systems
P Flores - Mechanism and machine theory, 2009 - Elsevier
The main goal of this work is to develop a methodology for studying and quantifying the
wear phenomenon in revolute clearance joints. In the process, a simple model for a revolute …
wear phenomenon in revolute clearance joints. In the process, a simple model for a revolute …
Modeling and analysis of rigid multibody systems with translational clearance joints based on the nonsmooth dynamics approach
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss a method for a dynamic modeling and analysis
of multibody systems with translational clearance joints. The method is based on the …
of multibody systems with translational clearance joints. The method is based on the …