Direct observation of topological phonons in graphene

J Li, J Li, J Tang, Z Tao, S Xue, J Liu, H Peng… - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
Phonons, as the most fundamental emergent bosons in condensed matter systems, play an
essential role in the thermal, mechanical, and electronic properties of crystalline materials …

Double-Weyl phonons in transition-metal monosilicides

T Zhang, Z Song, A Alexandradinata, H Weng, C Fang… - Physical review …, 2018‏ - APS
We employed ab initio calculations to identify a class of crystalline materials of M Si (M= Fe,
Co, Mn, Re, Ru) having double-Weyl points in both their acoustic and optical phonon …

Observation of the nonanalytic behavior of optical phonons in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride

J Li, L Wang, Y Wang, Z Tao, W Zhong, Z Su… - Nature …, 2024‏ -
Phonon splitting of the longitudinal and transverse optical modes (LO-TO splitting), a
ubiquitous phenomenon in three-dimensional polar materials, will break down in two …

Electronic collective excitations in topological semimetals

S Xue, Z Lin, J Li, Y Li, Z Tao, J Guo, X Zhu - Progress in Surface Science, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Plasmons are self-sustained collective excitations of electron liquid, which have received
increasing attention since its proposal by David Pines at 1960s. For the great potential in …

Superconductivity enhancement in FeSe/SrTiO3: a review from the perspective of electron–phonon coupling

X Xu, S Zhang, X Zhu, J Guo - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2020‏ -
Single-layer FeSe films grown on SrTiO 3, with the highest superconducting transition
temperature (TC) among all the iron-based superconductors, serves as an ideal platform for …

High temperature superconductivity at FeSe/LaFeO3 interface

Y Song, Z Chen, Q Zhang, H Xu, X Lou, X Chen… - Nature …, 2021‏ -
Enormous enhancement of superconducting pairing temperature (T g) to 65 K in
FeSe/SrTiO3 has made it a spotlight. Despite the effort of interfacial engineering, FeSe …

Discovery of coexisting Dirac and triply degenerate magnons in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet

S Bao, J Wang, W Wang, Z Cai, S Li, Z Ma… - Nature …, 2018‏ -
Topological magnons are emergent quantum spin excitations featured by magnon bands
crossing linearly at the points dubbed nodes, analogous to fermions in topological electronic …

Role of phonon penetrating into thin FeSe films in the enhancement of superconductivity

S Zhang, J Guan, X Jia, B Liu, W Wang, F Li, L Wang… - Physical Review B, 2016‏ - APS
The significant role of interfacial coupling in the enhancement of superconductivity in FeSe
films on SrTiO 3 has been widely recognized, but the explicit origin of this coupling is yet to …

Enhanced Superconducting State in by a Dynamic Interfacial Polaron Mechanism

S Zhang, T Wei, J Guan, Q Zhu, W Qin, W Wang… - Physical review …, 2019‏ - APS
The observation of substantially enhanced superconductivity of single-layer FeSe films on
SrTiO 3 has stimulated intensive research interest. At present, conclusive experimental data …

Measurement of the dynamic charge response of materials using low-energy, momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy (M-EELS)

S Vig, A Kogar, M Mitrano, A Husain, L Venema… - SciPost Physics, 2017‏ -
One of the most fundamental properties of an interacting electron system is its frequency-
and wave-vector-dependent density response function, $\chi ({\bf q},\omega) $. The …