Direct observation of topological phonons in graphene
Phonons, as the most fundamental emergent bosons in condensed matter systems, play an
essential role in the thermal, mechanical, and electronic properties of crystalline materials …
essential role in the thermal, mechanical, and electronic properties of crystalline materials …
Double-Weyl phonons in transition-metal monosilicides
We employed ab initio calculations to identify a class of crystalline materials of M Si (M= Fe,
Co, Mn, Re, Ru) having double-Weyl points in both their acoustic and optical phonon …
Co, Mn, Re, Ru) having double-Weyl points in both their acoustic and optical phonon …
Observation of the nonanalytic behavior of optical phonons in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride
Phonon splitting of the longitudinal and transverse optical modes (LO-TO splitting), a
ubiquitous phenomenon in three-dimensional polar materials, will break down in two …
ubiquitous phenomenon in three-dimensional polar materials, will break down in two …
Electronic collective excitations in topological semimetals
Plasmons are self-sustained collective excitations of electron liquid, which have received
increasing attention since its proposal by David Pines at 1960s. For the great potential in …
increasing attention since its proposal by David Pines at 1960s. For the great potential in …
Superconductivity enhancement in FeSe/SrTiO3: a review from the perspective of electron–phonon coupling
Single-layer FeSe films grown on SrTiO 3, with the highest superconducting transition
temperature (TC) among all the iron-based superconductors, serves as an ideal platform for …
temperature (TC) among all the iron-based superconductors, serves as an ideal platform for …
High temperature superconductivity at FeSe/LaFeO3 interface
Enormous enhancement of superconducting pairing temperature (T g) to 65 K in
FeSe/SrTiO3 has made it a spotlight. Despite the effort of interfacial engineering, FeSe …
FeSe/SrTiO3 has made it a spotlight. Despite the effort of interfacial engineering, FeSe …
Discovery of coexisting Dirac and triply degenerate magnons in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet
Topological magnons are emergent quantum spin excitations featured by magnon bands
crossing linearly at the points dubbed nodes, analogous to fermions in topological electronic …
crossing linearly at the points dubbed nodes, analogous to fermions in topological electronic …
Role of phonon penetrating into thin FeSe films in the enhancement of superconductivity
The significant role of interfacial coupling in the enhancement of superconductivity in FeSe
films on SrTiO 3 has been widely recognized, but the explicit origin of this coupling is yet to …
films on SrTiO 3 has been widely recognized, but the explicit origin of this coupling is yet to …
Enhanced Superconducting State in by a Dynamic Interfacial Polaron Mechanism
The observation of substantially enhanced superconductivity of single-layer FeSe films on
SrTiO 3 has stimulated intensive research interest. At present, conclusive experimental data …
SrTiO 3 has stimulated intensive research interest. At present, conclusive experimental data …
Measurement of the dynamic charge response of materials using low-energy, momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy (M-EELS)
One of the most fundamental properties of an interacting electron system is its frequency-
and wave-vector-dependent density response function, $\chi ({\bf q},\omega) $. The …
and wave-vector-dependent density response function, $\chi ({\bf q},\omega) $. The …