Garnet: A rock-forming mineral petrochronometer
Garnet could be the ultimate petrochronometer. Not only can you date it directly (with an
accuracy and precision that may surprise some), but it is also a common rock-forming and …
accuracy and precision that may surprise some), but it is also a common rock-forming and …
Phase relations, reaction sequences and petrochronology
At the core of petrochronology is the relationship between geochronology and the
petrological evolution of major mineral assemblages. The focus of this chapter is on …
petrological evolution of major mineral assemblages. The focus of this chapter is on …
GeoPS: An interactive visual computing tool for thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria
The availability of thermodynamic data for geologically relevant phases has made practical
the calculation of stable phase relations throughout the mantle and crust of terrestrial …
the calculation of stable phase relations throughout the mantle and crust of terrestrial …
Europium anomalies in zircon: a signal of crustal depth?
Trace element concentrations and ratios in zircon provide important indicators of the
petrological processes that operate in igneous and metamorphic systems. In granitoids, the …
petrological processes that operate in igneous and metamorphic systems. In granitoids, the …
Earth's early continental crust formed from wet and oxidizing arc magmas
Formation of continental crust has shaped the surface and interior of our planet and
generated the land and mineral resources on which we rely. However, how the early …
generated the land and mineral resources on which we rely. However, how the early …
[HTML][HTML] On ultrahigh temperature crustal metamorphism: Phase equilibria, trace element thermometry, bulk composition, heat sources, timescales and tectonic …
DE Kelsey, M Hand - Geoscience Frontiers, 2015 - Elsevier
Ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphism is the most thermally extreme form of regional
crustal metamorphism, with temperatures exceeding 900° C. UHT crustal metamorphism is …
crustal metamorphism, with temperatures exceeding 900° C. UHT crustal metamorphism is …
[HTML][HTML] Quantifying geological uncertainty in metamorphic phase equilibria modelling; a Monte Carlo assessment and implications for tectonic interpretations
Pseudosection modelling is rapidly becoming an essential part of a petrologist's toolkit and
often forms the basis of interpreting the tectonothermal evolution of a rock sample, outcrop …
often forms the basis of interpreting the tectonothermal evolution of a rock sample, outcrop …
High‐grade metamorphism and partial melting of basic and intermediate rocks
Rocks of basic and intermediate bulk composition occur in orogenic terranes from all
geological time periods and are thought to represent significant petrological components of …
geological time periods and are thought to represent significant petrological components of …
Slab-derived devolatilization fluids oxidized by subducted metasedimentary rocks
Metamorphic devolatilization of subducted slabs generates aqueous fluids that ascend into
the mantle wedge, driving the partial melting that produces arc magmas. These magmas …
the mantle wedge, driving the partial melting that produces arc magmas. These magmas …
Partial melting of metabasic rocks and the generation of tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) crust in the Archaean: Constraints from phase equilibrium …
Rocks of tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) composition preserved in Archaean
terranes represent fragments of the Earth's earliest-formed continental crust, and are thought …
terranes represent fragments of the Earth's earliest-formed continental crust, and are thought …