Modeling real-life data sets with a novel g family of continuous probability distributions: Statistical properties, and copulas
MM Abdullah, A Masmoudi - Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation …, 2023 -
This work presents a novel two-parameter G family of continuous probability distributions
with compounded parameters. To determine and examine the pertinent mathematical …
with compounded parameters. To determine and examine the pertinent mathematical …
A new two-parameters Lindley-frailty model: censored and uncensored schemes under different baseline models: applications, assessments, censored and …
Classical survival models assume homogeneity among the population of individuals who
are susceptible to the event of interest. However, in many practical circumstances, there is a …
are susceptible to the event of interest. However, in many practical circumstances, there is a …
The quasi-xgamma frailty model with survival analysis under heterogeneity problem, validation testing, and risk analysis for emergency care data
Frailty models are important for survival data because they allow for the possibility of
unobserved heterogeneity problem. The problem of heterogeneity can be existed due to a …
unobserved heterogeneity problem. The problem of heterogeneity can be existed due to a …
Censored and uncensored nikulin-Rao-Robson distributional validation: characterizations, classical and bayesian estimation with censored and uncensored …
WAM Shehata, H Goual, T Hamida, A Hiba… - Pakistan Journal of …, 2024 -
In our paper, we introduce a novel extension of the Lomax distribution, aiming to enhance its
applicability in various contexts. We emphasize a pragmatic approach in deriving …
applicability in various contexts. We emphasize a pragmatic approach in deriving …
Rao-Robson-Nikulin Goodness-of-fit Test Statistic for Censored and Uncensored Real Data with Classical and Bayesian Estimation
In this work, we provide a new Pareto type-II extension for censored and uncensored real-
life data. With an emphasis on the applied elements of the model, some mathematical …
life data. With an emphasis on the applied elements of the model, some mathematical …
GG Hamedani, AM ABOALKHAIR… - Journal of Mahani …, 2024 -
In this work, a novel probability distribution is introduced and studied. Some
characterizations are presented. Several financial risk indicators, such as the value-at-risk …
characterizations are presented. Several financial risk indicators, such as the value-at-risk …