The transport of water in subduction zones

YF Zheng, RX Chen, Z Xu, SB Zhang - Science China Earth Sciences, 2016 - Springer
The transport of water from subducting crust into the mantle is mainly dictated by the stability
of hydrous minerals in subduction zones. The thermal structure of subduction zones is a key …

The bulk composition of Mars

GJ Taylor - Geochemistry, 2013 - Elsevier
An accurate assessment of the bulk chemical composition of Mars is fundamental to
understanding planetary accretion, differentiation, mantle evolution, the nature of the …

The global range of subduction zone thermal models

EM Syracuse, PE van Keken, GA Abers - Physics of the Earth and …, 2010 - Elsevier
We model 56 segments of subduction zones using kinematically defined slabs based on
updated geometries from Syracuse and Abers (2006) to obtain a comprehensive suite of …

[Књига][B] Rheology of the Earth

G Ranalli - 1995 -
Beginning with basic principles, this advanced text gives a complete treatment of
deformation and flow of earth materials from both the continuum mechanics and the …

Water in the oceanic upper mantle: implications for rheology, melt extraction and the evolution of the lithosphere

G Hirth, DL Kohlstedt - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1996 - Elsevier
The influence of water on the dynamics of the oceanic upper mantle is re-evaluated based
on recent experimental constraints on the solubility of water in mantle minerals and earlier …

Serpentine stability to mantle depths and subduction-related magmatism

P Ulmer, V Trommsdorff - Science, 1995 -
Results of high-pressure experiments on samples of hydrated mantle rocks show that the
serpentine mineral antigorite is stable to∼ 720° C at 2 gigapascals, to∼ 690° C at 3 …

Serpentine and the subduction zone water cycle

LH Rüpke, JP Morgan, M Hort, JAD Connolly - Earth and Planetary Science …, 2004 - Elsevier
This study explores a chemo-thermo-dynamic subduction zone model that solves for slab
dehydration during subduction. We investigate how changes in the incoming plate's …

Teleseismic P‐wave tomography and mantle dynamics beneath Eastern Tibet

J Lei, D Zhao - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
We determined a new 3‐DP‐wave velocity model of the upper mantle beneath eastern Tibet
using 112,613 high‐quality arrival‐time data collected from teleseismic seismograms …

[Књига][B] H2O: A biography of water

P Ball - 2015 -
The brilliantly told and grip** story of the most familiar-yet, amazingly, still poorly
understood-substance in the universe: Water. The extent to which water remains a scientific …

Experimental phase-equilibrium study of Al-and Ti-contents of calcic amphibole in MORB—A semiquantitative thermobarometer

WG Ernst, J Liu - American mineralogist, 1998 -
Calcic amphiboles were synthesized from a natural mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) in 39
experiments representing 24 sets of pressure-temperature (PT) conditions ranging from 650 …