Smooth dynamics and new theoretical ideas in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
D Ruelle - Journal of Statistical Physics, 1999 - Springer
This paper reviews various applications of the theory of smooth dynamical systems to
conceptual problems of nonequilibrium statistical mecanics. We adopt a new point of view …
conceptual problems of nonequilibrium statistical mecanics. We adopt a new point of view …
Stochastic processes and applications
GA Pavliotis - Texts in applied mathematics, 2014 - Springer
The purpose of this book is to present various results and techniques from the theory of
stochastic processes and in particular diffusion processes that are useful in the study of …
stochastic processes and in particular diffusion processes that are useful in the study of …
A Gallavotti–Cohen-type symmetry in the large deviation functional for stochastic dynamics
JL Lebowitz, H Spohn - Journal of Statistical Physics, 1999 - Springer
We extend the work of Kurchan on the Gallavotti–Cohen fluctuation theorem, which yields a
symmetry property of the large deviation function, to general Markov processes. These …
symmetry property of the large deviation function, to general Markov processes. These …
Non-equilibrium steady states: fluctuations and large deviations of the density and of thecurrent
B Derrida - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
These lecture notes give a short review of methods such as the matrix ansatz, the additivity
principle or the macroscopic fluctuation theory, developed recently in the theory of non …
principle or the macroscopic fluctuation theory, developed recently in the theory of non …
Hamiltonian derivation of a detailed fluctuation theorem
C Jarzynski - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2000 - Springer
We analyze the microscopic evolution of a system undergoing a far-from-equilibrium
thermodynamic process. Explicitly accounting for the degrees of freedom of participating …
thermodynamic process. Explicitly accounting for the degrees of freedom of participating …
Fourier's law: a challenge to theorists
F Bonetto, JL Lebowitz, L Rey-Bellet - Mathematical physics 2000, 2000 - World Scientific
We present a selective overview of the current state of our knowledge (more precisely of our
ignorance) regarding the derivation of Fourier's Law, J (r)=− κ∇ T (r); J the heat flux, T the …
ignorance) regarding the derivation of Fourier's Law, J (r)=− κ∇ T (r); J the heat flux, T the …
Direct evaluation of large-deviation functions
C Giardina, J Kurchan, L Peliti - Physical review letters, 2006 - APS
We introduce a numerical procedure to evaluate directly the probabilities of large deviations
of physical quantities, such as current or density, that are local in time. The large-deviation …
of physical quantities, such as current or density, that are local in time. The large-deviation …
[BOK][B] Mathematical theory of nonequilibrium steady states: on the frontier of probability and dynamical systems
DQ Jiang, D Jiang - 2004 - books.google.com
The title of this book already says something about its contents and historical origin, but
since it is meant in a rigorous mathematical context, a few words of explanation may be …
since it is meant in a rigorous mathematical context, a few words of explanation may be …
Time-reversed dynamical entropy and irreversibility in Markovian random processes
P Gaspard - Journal of statistical physics, 2004 - Springer
A concept of time-reversed entropy per unit time is introduced in analogy with the entropy
per unit time by Shannon, Kolmogorov, and Sinai. This time-reversed entropy per unit time …
per unit time by Shannon, Kolmogorov, and Sinai. This time-reversed entropy per unit time …
Temporal evolution, directionality of time and irreversibility
AL Kuzemsky - La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 2018 - Springer
The aim of the present interdisciplinary review is to carry out a comparative analysis of the
notions of thermodynamic entropy, information entropy and entropy of non-equilibrium states …
notions of thermodynamic entropy, information entropy and entropy of non-equilibrium states …