[PDF][PDF] Comparative histomorphological and immunohistochemical study of parathyroid gland in two Iraqi mammals (Weasel, Herpestes javanicus and long-ear …
HAM Dauod, RA Al-Aamery - Journal of Genetic and Environment …, 2023 - iasj.net
The present study aimed to investigate the anatomy, histology, and immunohistochemistry of
parathyroid gland in two Iraqi mammals (Weasel, Herpestes javanicus and Long-ear …
parathyroid gland in two Iraqi mammals (Weasel, Herpestes javanicus and Long-ear …
[PDF][PDF] Macro-and micro-morphological studies on the parathyroid glands of dromedary camel.
SY Al-Ramadan, AM Ali, MB Al-Zghoul, TA Althnian… - 2017 - pvj.com.pk
The parathyroids are usually represented by four, relatively small, yellowish-brown glands
lie on a close relationship to the thyroid lobes. Functionally, these glands respond to low …
lie on a close relationship to the thyroid lobes. Functionally, these glands respond to low …
Anatomical and Histochemical Description of Parathyroid Gland in Felis catus (Linnaeus, 1758)
RA Al-Aamery, MK Ibrahim… - Egyptian Journal of …, 2024 - ejh.journals.ekb.eg
Introduction: The parathyroid gland is a small endocrine gland that appears as small oval-
shaped bodies with a brown color. It is called the parathyroid gland due to its location …
shaped bodies with a brown color. It is called the parathyroid gland due to its location …
Anatomical and Histochemical Description of Parathyroid Gland
RA Al-Aamery - Egyptian Journal of Histology, 2023 - journals.ekb.eg
The current study observed the presence of two pairs of parathyroid glands in F. catus
animal, located in contact with the thyroid gland, occupying an apical peripheral site and a …
animal, located in contact with the thyroid gland, occupying an apical peripheral site and a …
Morphological and Histochemical study of parathyroid gland in Squirrel Caucasian (Sciurus anomalus)(Gmelin, 1778)
RA Al Aamery, MK Ibrahim… - Egyptian Journal of …, 2024 - journals.ekb.eg
This study has proven the presence of two pairs of parathyroid glands in S. anomalus, which
is located in contact with the thyroid gland and occupies two sites within its tissue, an apical …
is located in contact with the thyroid gland and occupies two sites within its tissue, an apical …
Morphological and histological studies on parathyroid gland of adult male goat (Capra hircus).
NIA Goda, RR Beheiry… - Slovenian Veterinary …, 2018 - search.ebscohost.com
The parathyroid glands are essential endocrine glands as they produce hormones that
maintain calcium within the normal level in blood through secretion of parathormone. The …
maintain calcium within the normal level in blood through secretion of parathormone. The …
Search in posts Filter by Categories Archive issues june 2021 10-1
MA Alzayer, AM Ali, SY Al-Ramadan - anandpub.com
The aim of this study was to characterize the parenchymal cells of the parathyroid glands of
the camel using electron microscopy. External parathyroid glands from four mature camels …
the camel using electron microscopy. External parathyroid glands from four mature camels …
[PDF][PDF] Gross Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Studies of the Parathyroid Glands of the African Giant Rat (AGR)(Cricetomys gambianus-Waterhouse
Twenty AGR (wild African giant pouched rat) comprising of ten males and ten females were
used for this study. The average weight of twenty adult African giant rats was observed to be …
used for this study. The average weight of twenty adult African giant rats was observed to be …
AFES Helal - 2007 - Zagazig University