Sediment dating by luminescence: a review
JR Prescott, GB Robertson - Radiation Measurements, 1997 - Elsevier
In the present article we review applications of luminescence methods for the determination
of the age of sediments for Quaternary Earth science.“Sediment” is taken to include any …
of the age of sediments for Quaternary Earth science.“Sediment” is taken to include any …
Luminescence dating of hillslope deposits—A review
Luminescence dating determines the last exposure to light of quartz and feldspar mineral
grains and thus the time a sediment was laid down. Prerequisite is that the sediment grains …
grains and thus the time a sediment was laid down. Prerequisite is that the sediment grains …
Luminescence dating of fluvial deposits: applications to geomorphic, palaeoseismic and archaeological research
TM Rittenour - Boreas, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Fluvial deposits and landforms are important archives of river response to climate, tectonics
and base level change and are commonly associated with archaeological sites. Unlike …
and base level change and are commonly associated with archaeological sites. Unlike …
Seismic hazard analyses from geologic and geomorphic data: Current and future challenges
The loss of life and economic consequences caused by several recent earthquakes
demonstrate the importance of develo** seismically safe building codes. The …
demonstrate the importance of develo** seismically safe building codes. The …
Viscosity estimates for the crust and upper mantle from patterns of lacustrine shoreline deformation in the Eastern Great Basin
BG Bills, DR Currey, GA Marshall - Journal of Geophysical …, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
The deformed shorelines of Lake Bonneville constitute a classic source of information on
lithospheric elastic thickness and upper mantle viscosity. We describe and apply a new …
lithospheric elastic thickness and upper mantle viscosity. We describe and apply a new …
Holocene paleoseismicity, temporal clustering, and probabilities of future large (M> 7) earthquakes on the Wasatch fault zone, Utah
JP McCalpin, SP Nishenko - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
The chronology of M> 7 paleoearthquakes on the central five segments of the Wasatch fault
zone (WFZ) is one of the best dated in the world and contains 16 earthquakes in the past …
zone (WFZ) is one of the best dated in the world and contains 16 earthquakes in the past …
New developments in onshore paleoseismic methods, and their impact on Quaternary tectonic studies
Since the publication of Paleoseismology (2nd Edition) in 2009, there has been no
comprehensive survey of new trends in Quaternary tectonics. This paper seeks to remedy …
comprehensive survey of new trends in Quaternary tectonics. This paper seeks to remedy …
Optical Dating of Tsunami-Laid Sands1
The ages of some tsunami deposits can be determined by optical dating, a key requirement
being that the deposits are derived from sediment that was reworked and exposed to …
being that the deposits are derived from sediment that was reworked and exposed to …
Integration of paleoseismic data from multiple sites to develop an objective earthquake chronology: Application to the Weber segment of the Wasatch fault zone, Utah
CB DuRoss, SF Personius… - Bulletin of the …, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
We present a method to evaluate and integrate paleoseismic data from multiple sites into a
single, objective measure of earthquake timing and recurrence on discrete segments of …
single, objective measure of earthquake timing and recurrence on discrete segments of …
Lithofacies analysis of colluvial sediments; an aid in interpreting the Recent history of Quaternary normal faults in the Basin and Range Province, Western United …
AR Nelson - Journal of sedimentary research, 1992 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Inferring the frequency and magnitude of past earthquakes from the stratigraphy in
exposures of normal-faulted sediments is difficult because colluvial lithofacies assemblages …
exposures of normal-faulted sediments is difficult because colluvial lithofacies assemblages …