Divergence measures for statistical data processing—An annotated bibliography
M Basseville - Signal Processing, 2013 - Elsevier
Divergence measures for statistical data processing—An annotated bibliography -
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Multichannel audio source separation with deep neural networks
This article addresses the problem of multichannel audio source separation. We propose a
framework where deep neural networks (DNNs) are used to model the source spectra and …
framework where deep neural networks (DNNs) are used to model the source spectra and …
Supervised and unsupervised speech enhancement using nonnegative matrix factorization
Reducing the interference noise in a monaural noisy speech signal has been a challenging
task for many years. Compared to traditional unsupervised speech enhancement methods …
task for many years. Compared to traditional unsupervised speech enhancement methods …
Encoding high-cardinality string categorical variables
P Cerda, G Varoquaux - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Statistical models usually require vector representations of categorical variables, using for
instance one-hot encoding. This strategy breaks down when the number of categories …
instance one-hot encoding. This strategy breaks down when the number of categories …
Automatic relevance determination in nonnegative matrix factorization with the/spl beta/-divergence
This paper addresses the estimation of the latent dimensionality in nonnegative matrix
factorization (NMF) with the (β)--divergence. The (β)-divergence is a family of cost functions …
factorization (NMF) with the (β)--divergence. The (β)-divergence is a family of cost functions …
Online nonnegative matrix factorization with robust stochastic approximation
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a popular dimension-reduction method
and has been widely applied to image processing and pattern recognition problems …
and has been widely applied to image processing and pattern recognition problems …
Unsupervised speech enhancement based on multichannel NMF-informed beamforming for noise-robust automatic speech recognition
This paper describes multichannel speech enhancement for improving automatic speech
recognition (ASR) in noisy environments. Recently, the minimum variance distortionless …
recognition (ASR) in noisy environments. Recently, the minimum variance distortionless …
Online nonnegative matrix factorization with outliers
We propose a unified and systematic framework for performing online nonnegative matrix
factorization in the presence of outliers. Our framework is particularly suited to large-scale …
factorization in the presence of outliers. Our framework is particularly suited to large-scale …
Hand segmentation with dense dilated U-Net and structurally incoherent nonnegative matrix factorization-based gesture recognition
Robust segmentation of hands in a cluttered environment for hand gesture recognition has
remained a challenge in computer vision. In this work, a two-stage gesture recognition …
remained a challenge in computer vision. In this work, a two-stage gesture recognition …
Real-time speech separation by semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization
In this paper, we present an on-line semi-supervised algorithm for real-time separation of
speech and background noise. The proposed system is based on Nonnegative Matrix …
speech and background noise. The proposed system is based on Nonnegative Matrix …