Emerging phagocytosis checkpoints in cancer immunotherapy
Cancer immunotherapy, mainly including immune checkpoints-targeted therapy and the
adoptive transfer of engineered immune cells, has revolutionized the oncology landscape as …
adoptive transfer of engineered immune cells, has revolutionized the oncology landscape as …
Phagocytosis checkpoints as new targets for cancer immunotherapy
Cancer immunotherapies targeting adaptive immune checkpoints have substantially
improved patient outcomes across multiple metastatic and treatment-refractory cancer types …
improved patient outcomes across multiple metastatic and treatment-refractory cancer types …
Neoantigen-specific cytotoxic Tr1 CD4 T cells suppress cancer immunotherapy
CD4+ T cells can either enhance or inhibit tumour immunity. Although regulatory T cells
have long been known to impede antitumour responses,,,–, other CD4+ T cells have …
have long been known to impede antitumour responses,,,–, other CD4+ T cells have …
Activation of immune signals during organ transplantation
Q Li, P Lan - Signal transduction and targeted therapy, 2023 - nature.com
The activation of host's innate and adaptive immune systems can lead to acute and chronic
graft rejection, which seriously impacts graft survival. Thus, it is particularly significant to …
graft rejection, which seriously impacts graft survival. Thus, it is particularly significant to …
LILRB4 signalling in leukaemia cells mediates T cell suppression and tumour infiltration
M Deng, X Gui, J Kim, L **e, W Chen, Z Li, L He… - Nature, 2018 - nature.com
Immune checkpoint blockade therapy has been successful in treating some types of cancer
but has not shown clinical benefits for treating leukaemia. This result suggests that …
but has not shown clinical benefits for treating leukaemia. This result suggests that …
HLA-G: an immune checkpoint molecule
ED Carosella, N Rouas-Freiss, D Tronik-Le Roux… - Advances in …, 2015 - Elsevier
HLA-G is a molecule that was first known to confer protection to the fetus from destruction by
the immune system of its mother, thus critically contributing to fetal–maternal tolerance. The …
the immune system of its mother, thus critically contributing to fetal–maternal tolerance. The …
Distinct metabolic states guide maturation of inflammatory and tolerogenic dendritic cells
J Adamik, PV Munson, FJ Hartmann… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
Cellular metabolism underpins immune cell functionality, yet our understanding of metabolic
influences in human dendritic cell biology and their ability to orchestrate immune responses …
influences in human dendritic cell biology and their ability to orchestrate immune responses …
The Evolving Role of CD8+CD28− Immunosenescent T Cells in Cancer Immunology
WX Huff, JH Kwon, M Henriquez, K Fetcko… - International journal of …, 2019 - mdpi.com
Functional, tumor-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes drive the adaptive immune
response to cancer. Thus, induction of their activity is the ultimate aim of all …
response to cancer. Thus, induction of their activity is the ultimate aim of all …
Blocking immunoinhibitory receptor LILRB2 reprograms tumor-associated myeloid cells and promotes antitumor immunity
Tumor-associated myeloid cells maintain immunosuppressive microenvironments within
tumors. Identification of myeloid-specific receptors to modulate tumor-associated …
tumors. Identification of myeloid-specific receptors to modulate tumor-associated …
Tolerogenic dendritic cells
RM Steinman, D Hawiger… - Annual review of …, 2003 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Dendritic cells (DCs) have several functions in innate and adaptive immunity. In
addition, there is increasing evidence that DCs in situ induce antigen-specific …
addition, there is increasing evidence that DCs in situ induce antigen-specific …