When iota meets lambda

A Indrzejczak, M Zawidzki - Synthese, 2023 - Springer
Definite descriptions are widely discussed in linguistics and formal semantics, but their
formal treatment in logic is surprisingly modest. In this article we present a sound, complete …

Logical separability of labeled data examples under ontologies

JC Jung, C Lutz, H Pulcini, F Wolter - Artificial Intelligence, 2022 - Elsevier
Finding a logical formula that separates positive and negative examples given in the form of
labeled data items is fundamental in applications such as concept learning, reverse …

Definite descriptions and hybrid tense logic

A Indrzejczak, M Zawidzki - Synthese, 2023 - Springer
We provide a version of first-order hybrid tense logic with predicate abstracts and definite
descriptions as the only non-rigid terms. It is formalised by means of a tableau calculus …

Non-rigid designators in modal and temporal free description logics

A Artale, R Kontchakov, A Mazzullo… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - proceedings.kr.org
Definite descriptions, such as 'the General Chair of KR 2024', are a semantically transparent
device for object identification in knowledge representation. In first-order modal logic …

Living without Beth and Craig: Definitions and interpolants in description and modal logics with nominals and role inclusions

A Artale, JC Jung, A Mazzullo, A Ozaki… - ACM Transactions on …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
The Craig interpolation property (CIP) states that an interpolant for an implication exists iff it
is valid. The projective Beth definability property (PBDP) states that an explicit definition …

Hybrid modal operators for definite descriptions

PA Wałȩga, M Zawidzki - European Conference on Logics in Artificial …, 2023 - Springer
In this paper, we study computational complexity and expressive power of modal operators
for definite descriptions, which correspond to statements 'the modal world which satisfies …

Interpolants and explicit definitions in extensions of the description logic EL

M Fortin, B Konev, F Wolter - arxiv preprint arxiv:2202.07186, 2022 - arxiv.org
We show that the vast majority of extensions of the description logic $\mathcal {EL} $ do not
enjoy the Craig interpolation nor the projective Beth definability property. This is the case, for …

Living without Beth and Craig: Definitions and interpolants in description logics with nominals and role inclusions

A Artale, JC Jung, A Mazzullo, A Ozaki… - Proceedings of the AAAI …, 2021 - ojs.aaai.org
The Craig interpolation property (CIP) states that an interpolant for an implication exists iff it
is valid. The projective Beth definability property (PBDP) states that an explicit definition …

Non-Rigid Designators in Modal and Temporal Free Description Logics (Extended Version)

A Artale, R Kontchakov, A Mazzullo, F Wolter - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 - arxiv.org
Definite descriptions, such as' the General Chair of KR 2024', are a semantically transparent
device for object identification in knowledge representation. In first-order modal logic …

Constructive interpolation and concept-based beth definability for description logics via sequents

TS Lyon, J Karge - arxiv preprint arxiv:2404.15840, 2024 - arxiv.org
We introduce a constructive method applicable to a large number of description logics (DLs)
for establishing the concept-based Beth definability property (CBP) based on sequent …