The evolutionary history and spectral tuning of vertebrate visual opsins
Many animals depend on the sense of vision for survival. In eumetazoans, vision requires
specialized, light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors. Light reaches the photoreceptors …
specialized, light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors. Light reaches the photoreceptors …
Uniform trichromacy in Alouatta caraya and Alouatta seniculus: behavioural and genetic colour vision evaluation
Primate colour vision depends on a matrix of photoreceptors, a neuronal post receptoral
structure and a combination of genes that culminate in different sensitivity through the visual …
structure and a combination of genes that culminate in different sensitivity through the visual …
Detection of conspicuous and cryptic food by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): An evaluation of the importance of color and shape cues
In primates, the advantage of trichromacy (ie, color vision expressed by most humans) over
dichromacy (ie, color vision expressed by many colorblind humans) has been linked to the …
dichromacy (ie, color vision expressed by many colorblind humans) has been linked to the …
Detection of conspicuous and cryptic food by marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): An evaluation of the importance of color and shape cues
Since 19th century, the adaptive function of color vision for object identification has
fascinated science. Countless articles uncovered the advantages of trichromacy (ie, color …
fascinated science. Countless articles uncovered the advantages of trichromacy (ie, color …