Automatic channel selection in EEG signals for classification of left or right hand movement in Brain Computer Interfaces using improved binary gravitation search …
This paper presents an automatic method for finding optimal channels in Brain Computer
Interfaces (BCIs). Detecting the effective channels in BCI systems is an important problem in …
Interfaces (BCIs). Detecting the effective channels in BCI systems is an important problem in …
[PDF][PDF] Sentiment analysis of movie reviews using hybrid method of naive bayes and genetic algorithm
M Govindarajan - International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 2013 - Citeseer
The area of sentiment mining (also called sentiment extraction, opinion mining, opinion
extraction, sentiment analysis, etc.) has seen a large increase in academic interest in the last …
extraction, sentiment analysis, etc.) has seen a large increase in academic interest in the last …
Hybrid features prediction model of movie quality using Multi-machine learning techniques for effective business resource planning
Quality prediction plays an essential role in the business outcome of the product. Due to the
business interest of the concept, it has extensively been studied in the last few years …
business interest of the concept, it has extensively been studied in the last few years …
Sentiment analysis from social media in crisis situations
HJ Kaur, R Kumar - International Conference on Computing …, 2015 -
Advent of social media has created an unprecedented environment for people to share their
thoughts with the world. These online platforms like facebook, Twitter are usually the first …
thoughts with the world. These online platforms like facebook, Twitter are usually the first …
Sentiment mining of community development program evaluation based on social media
It is crucial to support community-oriented services for youth awareness in the social media
with knowledge extraction, which would be useful for both government agencies and …
with knowledge extraction, which would be useful for both government agencies and …
[PDF][PDF] Feature selection using random forest method for sentiment analysis
Abstract Background/Objectives: Online review has become important decision support
system for the customers to decide on the subscription or purchse. This paper is aiming to …
system for the customers to decide on the subscription or purchse. This paper is aiming to …
Sentiment analysis “using SVM, KNN and SVM with PCA”
There is a lot of scope of sentimental analysis in the field of natural language processing.
Sentiment analysis gives the ability to a programmable system to analyse the sentiment …
Sentiment analysis gives the ability to a programmable system to analyse the sentiment …
Machine learning applied to point-of-sale fraud detection
C Hines, A Youssef - Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern …, 2018 - Springer
This paper applies machine learning (ML) techniques including neural networks, support
vector machines Random Forest, and Adaboost to detecting insider fraud in restaurant point …
vector machines Random Forest, and Adaboost to detecting insider fraud in restaurant point …
Machine learning applied to rotating check fraud detection
C Hines, A Youssef - … on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS), 2018 -
Given small profit margins, independently owned and operated restaurants are highly
sensitive to insider fraud and yet have scant resources to combat the problem. This paper is …
sensitive to insider fraud and yet have scant resources to combat the problem. This paper is …
Sentiment Analysis on Twitter By Using Maximum Entropy And Support Vector Machine Method
M Cindo, DP Rini, E Ermatita - Sinergi, 2020 -
With the advancement of social media and its growth, there is a lot of data that can be
presented for research in social mining. Twitter is a microblogging that can be used. In this …
presented for research in social mining. Twitter is a microblogging that can be used. In this …