Self-assembled InAs/InP quantum dots and quantum dashes: Material structures and devices
The advances in lasers, electronic and photonic integrated circuits (EPIC), optical
interconnects as well as the modulation techniques allow the present day society to …
interconnects as well as the modulation techniques allow the present day society to …
Towards InAs/InP quantum-dash laser-based ultra-high capacity heterogeneous optical networks: A review
MZM Khan - IEEE Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The unprecedented increase in internet traffic witnessed in the last few years has pushed
the community to explore heterogeneous optical networks, including free-space-optics …
the community to explore heterogeneous optical networks, including free-space-optics …
[HTML][HTML] Chaotic-cavity surface-emitting lasers for optical wireless communication and low-speckle illumination
Though necessary and advantageous in many fields, the high coherence of lasers is
detrimental to their performance in certain applications, including illumination, imaging, and …
detrimental to their performance in certain applications, including illumination, imaging, and …
Low-threshold continuous-wave operation of electrically pumped 1.55 μm InAs quantum dash microring lasers
Densely integrated devices on a single chip enable both complex functionality and economy
of scale. With a small footprint, microcavities with self-assembled InAs quantum dashes …
of scale. With a small footprint, microcavities with self-assembled InAs quantum dashes …
Broadly tunable self-injection locked InAs/InP quantum-dash laser based fiber/FSO/hybrid fiber-FSO communication at 1610 nm
We report a self-injection-locked InAs/InP quantum-dash tunable laser with~ 11 nm (~ 1602-
1613 nm) tuning window for next generation multiuser ultrahigh capacity fiber/free-space …
1613 nm) tuning window for next generation multiuser ultrahigh capacity fiber/free-space …
100 Gb/s single channel transmission using injection-locked 1621 nm quantum-dash laser
A single channel 100 Gb/s dual-polarization quadrature phase shift keying transmission
based on injection-locked broadband quantum-dash Fabry-Pérot laser, and employing …
based on injection-locked broadband quantum-dash Fabry-Pérot laser, and employing …
4 m/100 Gb/s optical wireless communication based on far L–band injection locked quantum-dash laser
An indoor 100 Gb/s free space optical communication link using an injection locked~ 1621
nm quantum-dash laser has been experimentally demonstrated. The results are achieved …
nm quantum-dash laser has been experimentally demonstrated. The results are achieved …
Demonstration of L-band DP-QPSK transmission over FSO and fiber channels employing InAs/InP quantum-dash laser source
The next generation of optical access communication networks that support 100 Gbps and
beyond, require advances in modulation schemes, spectrum utilization, new transmission …
beyond, require advances in modulation schemes, spectrum utilization, new transmission …
Vertical Coupling Effect on Gain Bandwidth of Chirped InAs/InP Quantum Dot Structures
G Chen, F Huang, X Zhang - IEEE Journal of Quantum …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Quantum dot (QD) devices are usually desired to have a broadband gain spectrum. An
alternative solution to achieve a broadband gain in QD devices is to use multiple layers with …
alternative solution to achieve a broadband gain in QD devices is to use multiple layers with …
Flat-topped ultrabroad stimulated emission from chirped InAs/InP quantum dot laser with spectral width of 92 nm
F Gao, S Luo, HM Ji, F Xu, ZR Lv, XG Yang… - Applied Physics …, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
We demonstrate the generation of 92 nm (− 3 dB bandwidth) flat-topped ultrabroad
stimulation emission from a chirped InAs/InP quantum dot (QD) laser. A greatly enhanced …
stimulation emission from a chirped InAs/InP quantum dot (QD) laser. A greatly enhanced …