The human occupation of northwestern Patagonia (Argentina): Paleoecological and chronological trends

R Barberena, L Prates, ME de Porras - Quaternary International, 2015 - Elsevier
Archaeological radiocarbon databases are being increasingly used as a proxy of past
demographic trends. In this paper we compile and analyze an extensive database of …

Distribution parameters of guanaco (Lama guanicoe), pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) and marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in Central Argentina …

GG Politis, L Prates, ML Merino, MF Tognelli - Journal of Archaeological …, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper we use non-ambiguous collections and sightings data from the 18th century to
generate potential distribution models of three species of South American ungulates. These …

Implications for paleomobility studies of the effects of quaternary volcanism on bioavailable strontium: A test case in North Patagonia (Argentina)

A Serna, L Prates, E Mange, DC Salazar-García… - Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Strontium isotopes (87 Sr/86 Sr) are used as geochemical tracers for paleomobility
studies because they display predictable and stable patterns in ecosystems primarily …

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) isotopic ecology in southern South America: spatial and temporal tendencies, and archaeological implications

R Barberena, AF Zangrando, AF Gil… - Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
We synthesize and discuss available isotopic data on Holocene guanaco samples from
southern South America, extending from Tierra del Fuego Island to northern Patagonia and …

Small mammal remains recovered from two archaeological sites in the middle and lower Negro River valley (Late Holocene, Argentina): Taphonomic issues and …

FJ Fernández, LM Del Papa, GJ Moreira, L Prates… - Quaternary …, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper presents the results of a taphonomic and paleoenvironmental analysis of small
mammal remains recovered from the Negro Muerto and Angostura 1 archaeological sites …

Late Holocene environmental dynamics in fluvial and aeolian depositional settings: Archaeological record variability at the lower basin of the Colorado river …

G Martínez, GA Martínez - Quaternary International, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the way in which the environmental dynamics that took place in the
lower basin of the Colorado River (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) have affected the …

Was there a process of regionalization in northeastern Patagonia during the Late Holocene?

G Martínez, F Santos Valero, G Flensborg… - The Journal of Island …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this article is to evaluate if changes in the social organization of hunter-
gatherer groups from northeastern Patagonia (Argentina) during the Final Late Holocene …

Does the shape make a difference? Evaluating the ethnic role of cranial modification in the Pampa-Patagonia region (Argentina) during the late Holocene

S Alejandro, P Luciano, F Gustavo, M Gustavo… - Archaeological and …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The Pampa-Patagonia region in Argentina has been characterized as an ethnically
complex territory during the late Holocene. This region presents a high frequency of human …

Human corpse manipulation and the body as symbol: A case study from the Eastern Pampa–Patagonia transition (Argentina) during the Final Late Holocene

G Martínez, G Flensborg, PD Bayala - Journal of Anthropological …, 2012 - Elsevier
Human body manipulation and secondary burials are widespread funerary practices in
many areas of the world. The archaeology of the Pampas and North-Eastern Patagonia …

Sitios con entierros humanos y ocupaciones residenciales en la cuenca del Río Negro (Norpatagonia, Argentina): Diacronía y Multicausalidad

L Prates, V Di Prado - Latin American Antiquity, 2013 -
Los sitios con entierros humanos y evidencias de actividades residenciales, situados en
sectores sobreelevados del paisaje, son un rasgo característico del patrón de ocupación …