The human occupation of northwestern Patagonia (Argentina): Paleoecological and chronological trends
Archaeological radiocarbon databases are being increasingly used as a proxy of past
demographic trends. In this paper we compile and analyze an extensive database of …
demographic trends. In this paper we compile and analyze an extensive database of …
Distribution parameters of guanaco (Lama guanicoe), pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) and marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in Central Argentina …
In this paper we use non-ambiguous collections and sightings data from the 18th century to
generate potential distribution models of three species of South American ungulates. These …
generate potential distribution models of three species of South American ungulates. These …
Implications for paleomobility studies of the effects of quaternary volcanism on bioavailable strontium: A test case in North Patagonia (Argentina)
Abstract Strontium isotopes (87 Sr/86 Sr) are used as geochemical tracers for paleomobility
studies because they display predictable and stable patterns in ecosystems primarily …
studies because they display predictable and stable patterns in ecosystems primarily …
Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) isotopic ecology in southern South America: spatial and temporal tendencies, and archaeological implications
We synthesize and discuss available isotopic data on Holocene guanaco samples from
southern South America, extending from Tierra del Fuego Island to northern Patagonia and …
southern South America, extending from Tierra del Fuego Island to northern Patagonia and …
Small mammal remains recovered from two archaeological sites in the middle and lower Negro River valley (Late Holocene, Argentina): Taphonomic issues and …
This paper presents the results of a taphonomic and paleoenvironmental analysis of small
mammal remains recovered from the Negro Muerto and Angostura 1 archaeological sites …
mammal remains recovered from the Negro Muerto and Angostura 1 archaeological sites …
Late Holocene environmental dynamics in fluvial and aeolian depositional settings: Archaeological record variability at the lower basin of the Colorado river …
G Martínez, GA Martínez - Quaternary International, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the way in which the environmental dynamics that took place in the
lower basin of the Colorado River (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) have affected the …
lower basin of the Colorado River (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) have affected the …
Was there a process of regionalization in northeastern Patagonia during the Late Holocene?
The objective of this article is to evaluate if changes in the social organization of hunter-
gatherer groups from northeastern Patagonia (Argentina) during the Final Late Holocene …
gatherer groups from northeastern Patagonia (Argentina) during the Final Late Holocene …
Does the shape make a difference? Evaluating the ethnic role of cranial modification in the Pampa-Patagonia region (Argentina) during the late Holocene
Abstract The Pampa-Patagonia region in Argentina has been characterized as an ethnically
complex territory during the late Holocene. This region presents a high frequency of human …
complex territory during the late Holocene. This region presents a high frequency of human …
Human corpse manipulation and the body as symbol: A case study from the Eastern Pampa–Patagonia transition (Argentina) during the Final Late Holocene
Human body manipulation and secondary burials are widespread funerary practices in
many areas of the world. The archaeology of the Pampas and North-Eastern Patagonia …
many areas of the world. The archaeology of the Pampas and North-Eastern Patagonia …
Sitios con entierros humanos y ocupaciones residenciales en la cuenca del Río Negro (Norpatagonia, Argentina): Diacronía y Multicausalidad
L Prates, V Di Prado - Latin American Antiquity, 2013 - cambridge.org
Los sitios con entierros humanos y evidencias de actividades residenciales, situados en
sectores sobreelevados del paisaje, son un rasgo característico del patrón de ocupación …
sectores sobreelevados del paisaje, son un rasgo característico del patrón de ocupación …