A review of recent developments in driver drowsiness detection systems
Continuous advancements in computing technology and artificial intelligence in the past
decade have led to improvements in driver monitoring systems. Numerous experimental …
decade have led to improvements in driver monitoring systems. Numerous experimental …
A review of psychophysiological measures to assess cognitive states in real-world driving
As driving functions become increasingly automated, motorists run the risk of becoming
cognitively removed from the driving process. Psychophysiological measures may provide …
cognitively removed from the driving process. Psychophysiological measures may provide …
Driving behavior analysis guidelines for intelligent transportation systems
The advent of in-vehicle networking systems as well as state-of-the-art sensors and
communication technologies have facilitated the collection of large volume and almost real …
communication technologies have facilitated the collection of large volume and almost real …
Detecting fatigue in car drivers and aircraft pilots by using non-invasive measures: The value of differentiation of sleepiness and mental fatigue
Introduction: Fatigue is one of the most crucial factors that contribute to a decrease of the
operating performance of aircraft pilots and car drivers and, as such, plays a dangerous role …
operating performance of aircraft pilots and car drivers and, as such, plays a dangerous role …
Machine learning and deep learning techniques for driver fatigue and drowsiness detection: a review
There are several factors for vehicle accidents during driving such as drivers' negligence,
drowsiness, and fatigue. These accidents can be avoided, if drivers are warned in time …
drowsiness, and fatigue. These accidents can be avoided, if drivers are warned in time …
Detection and prediction of driver drowsiness using artificial neural network models
Not just detecting but also predicting impairment of a car driver's operational state is a
challenge. This study aims to determine whether the standard sources of information used to …
challenge. This study aims to determine whether the standard sources of information used to …
EEG-Based driver Fatigue Detection using Spatio-Temporal Fusion network with brain region partitioning strategy
Detecting driver fatigue is critical for ensuring traffic safety. Electroencephalography (EEG) is
the golden standard for brain activity measurement and is considered a good indicator of …
the golden standard for brain activity measurement and is considered a good indicator of …
Identification and classification of construction equipment operators' mental fatigue using wearable eye-tracking technology
In the construction industry, the operator's mental fatigue is one of the most important causes
of construction equipment-related accidents. Mental fatigue can easily lead to poor …
of construction equipment-related accidents. Mental fatigue can easily lead to poor …
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and reasoning in health informatics—Case studies
Abstract To apply Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Machine Reasoning
(MR) in health informatics are often challenging as they comprise with multivariate …
(MR) in health informatics are often challenging as they comprise with multivariate …
Driver mental fatigue detection based on head posture using new modified reLU-BiLSTM deep neural network
Early detection of driver mental fatigue is one of the active areas of research in smart and
intelligent vehicles. There are various methods, based on measuring the physiological …
intelligent vehicles. There are various methods, based on measuring the physiological …