The marine isotope stage 1–5 cryptotephra record of Tenaghi Philippon, Greece: Towards a detailed tephrostratigraphic framework for the Eastern Mediterranean …
The iconic climate archive of Tenaghi Philippon (TP), NE Greece, allows the study of short-
term palaeoclimatic and environmental change throughout the past 1.3 Ma. To provide high …
term palaeoclimatic and environmental change throughout the past 1.3 Ma. To provide high …
A model for archaeologically relevant Holocene climate impacts in the Aegean-Levantine region (easternmost Mediterranean)
A repeating pattern of multi-centennial-scale Holocene climate events has been widely
(globally) documented, and they were termed Rapid Climate Change (RCC) events. Non …
(globally) documented, and they were termed Rapid Climate Change (RCC) events. Non …
Evidence for the impact of the 8.2-kyBP climate event on Near Eastern early farmers
The 8.2-thousand years BP event is evident in multiple proxy records across the globe,
showing generally dry and cold conditions for ca. 160 years. Environmental changes around …
showing generally dry and cold conditions for ca. 160 years. Environmental changes around …
[HTML][HTML] Precipitation changes in the Mediterranean basin during the Holocene from terrestrial and marine pollen records: a model–data comparison
O Peyron, N Combourieu-Nebout, D Brayshaw… - Climate of the …, 2017 - cp.copernicus.org
Climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene exhibits strong spatial
and temporal variability, which is notoriously difficult for models to reproduce. We propose …
and temporal variability, which is notoriously difficult for models to reproduce. We propose …
Interactions between climate change and human activities during the early to mid-Holocene in the eastern Mediterranean basins
This paper focuses on early Holocene rapid climate change (RCC) records in the
Mediterranean zone, which are under-represented in continental archives (9.2 to 8.2 ka …
Mediterranean zone, which are under-represented in continental archives (9.2 to 8.2 ka …
Comparison of n-alkane molecular, carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions of different types of plants in the Dajiuhu peatland, central China
Long chain n-alkanes preserved in peat deposits have been widely used to reconstruct
paleoenvironmental and paleoecological changes. However, our knowledge of how the leaf …
paleoenvironmental and paleoecological changes. However, our knowledge of how the leaf …
Eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate reconstruction over the last 3600 years based on sedimentary n-alkanes, their carbon and hydrogen isotope composition and …
Understanding past hydroclimate variability and related drivers is essential to improve
climate forecasting capabilities especially in areas with high climatic sensitivity, such as the …
climate forecasting capabilities especially in areas with high climatic sensitivity, such as the …
Palynology-based reconstruction of Holocene environmental history in the northern Yangtze Delta, China
L Ye, L Gao, Y Li, G Wang - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology …, 2022 - Elsevier
The Holocene vegetation in the Yangtze Delta is sensitive to global/regional climate change,
sea-level oscillations, and human impacts, and it represents a valuable archive for …
sea-level oscillations, and human impacts, and it represents a valuable archive for …
[HTML][HTML] Half-precession signals in Lake Ohrid (Balkan) and their spatio-temporal relations to climate records from the European realm
The nature of half-precession (HP) cycles (∼ 9000–12,000 years), although identified in
numerous records, is still poorly understood. Here we focus on HP signals in Lake Ohrid and …
numerous records, is still poorly understood. Here we focus on HP signals in Lake Ohrid and …
[HTML][HTML] Phytolith reconstruction of early to mid-Holocene vegetation and climatic changes in the Lower Yangtze Valley
Abstract The Holocene variability of Poaceae (grasses) and their response to climate
changes has not yet been investigated, despite their prevalence and biodiversity in the …
changes has not yet been investigated, despite their prevalence and biodiversity in the …