[HTML][HTML] Modeling indoor thermal comfort in buildings using digital twin and machine learning

Z ElArwady, A Kandil, M Afiffy, M Marzouk - Developments in the Built …, 2024 - Elsevier
Digital Twin (DT) concept is used in different domains and industries, including the building
industry, as it has physical and digital assets with the help of Building Information Modeling …

Research on The local clothing thermal insulation prediction model with different dress state of indoor occupants

L Yang, F Wang, S Zhao, S Gao, H Yan, Z Sun… - Energy and …, 2024 - Elsevier
In a dynamic and non-uniform thermal environment, adjusting personal dress states is an
effective method for achieving thermal comfort. During this process, clothing thermal …

[HTML][HTML] Clothing insulation rate and metabolic rate estimation for individual thermal comfort assessment in real life

J Liu, IW Foged, TB Moeslund - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Satisfactory indoor thermal environments can improve working efficiencies of office staff. To
build such satisfactory indoor microclimates, individual thermal comfort assessment is …

Overall and local intrinsic clothing insulation using thermal manikin: Impact of methods employed and postures

S Gao, R Ooka, W Oh - Building and Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Development of multi-node thermoregulation models with local clothing insulation
as an indispensable input parameter enables distinguishing the effects of spatial and …

Air speed and direction affect metabolic and thermoregulatory responses during walking and running in a temperate environment

N Yamashita, CL Ly, JW Smallcombe… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 - journals.physiology.org
Revisiting classical experiments on the impact of air resistance on metabolic rate, we aimed
to overcome limitations of previous research, notably: low participant numbers (n= 1–3) …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of sitting posture on the thermal insulation of modern office chairs

RF Rupp, OB Kazanci, J Toftum - Energy and Buildings, 2023 - Elsevier
This study experimentally explored the variability in thermal insulation with different sitting
postures and a contemporary selection of chair designs. Also, the insulating effect of three …

Human body radiation area factors for diverse adult population

K Rykaczewski, L Bartels, DM Martinez… - International journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Radiation accounts for a significant fraction of the human body and environment heat
exchange and strongly impacts thermal comfort and safety. The direct radiative exchange …

Heat strain differences walking in hot-dry and warm-wet environments of equivalent wet bulb globe temperature

NE Bartman, NT Vargas, LA Cavuoto, D Hostler… - Temperature, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) is a commonly used measure to predict heat strain in
workers. Different combinations of environmental conditions can create equivalent WBGT …

A modelling framework for local thermal comfort assessment related to bicycle helmet use

P Bröde, JM Aerts, G De Bruyne, TS Mayor… - Journal of thermal …, 2023 - Elsevier
Thermal discomfort due to accumulated sweat increasing head skin wettedness may
contribute to low wearing rates of bicycle helmets. Using curated data on human head …