A guide to lignin valorization in biorefineries: traditional, recent, and forthcoming approaches to convert raw lignocellulose into valuable materials and chemicals
Lignin is the most abundant source of renewable aromatics on Earth, yet its enormous
potential remains underexploited in current biorefinery and pul** processes. The …
potential remains underexploited in current biorefinery and pul** processes. The …
Advancements and Perspectives toward Lignin Valorization via O‐Demethylation
Lignin represents the largest aromatic carbon resource in plants, holding significant promise
as a renewable feedstock for bioaromatics and other cyclic hydrocarbons in the context of …
as a renewable feedstock for bioaromatics and other cyclic hydrocarbons in the context of …
Lignin-derived 0–3 dimensional carbon materials: synthesis, configurations and applications
Abstract Different dimensional (0D–3D) carbon materials with tailorable compositions and
nanostructures have attracted widespread attention and are promising for a wide range of …
nanostructures have attracted widespread attention and are promising for a wide range of …
Enabling lignin valorization through integrated advances in plant biology and biorefining
Despite lignin having long been viewed as an impediment to the processing of biomass for
the production of paper, biofuels, and high-value chemicals, the valorization of lignin to …
the production of paper, biofuels, and high-value chemicals, the valorization of lignin to …
Synergy of heterogeneous Co/Ni dual atoms enabling selective C–O bond scission of lignin coupling with in-situ N-functionalization
Selective cleavage of Csp 2 single bondOCH 3 bond in lignin without breaking other types
of Csingle bondO bonds followed by N-functionalization is fascinating for on-purpose …
of Csingle bondO bonds followed by N-functionalization is fascinating for on-purpose …
Lignin deoxygenation for the production of sustainable aviation fuel blendstocks
Lignin is an abundant source of renewable aromatics that has long been targeted for
valorization. Traditionally, the inherent heterogeneity and reactivity of lignin has relegated it …
valorization. Traditionally, the inherent heterogeneity and reactivity of lignin has relegated it …
Developments and perspectives on lignin-first biomass pretreatment for efficient enzymatic hydrolysis and isolation of lignin with minimized degradation
S Liu, G Cheng - Industrial Crops and Products, 2024 - Elsevier
The utilization of lignocellulosic biomass promotes the concept of sustainability and
contribute to carbon neutrality. In contrast to traditional biomass pretreatment, lignin-first …
contribute to carbon neutrality. In contrast to traditional biomass pretreatment, lignin-first …
Uncovering challenges for complete carbohydrate to bioethanol utilization in a reductive catalytic fractionation biorefinery
The reductive catalytic fractionation (RCF) biorefinery, developed for high-quality lignin oil
extraction from lignocellulose biomass, concurrently produces a (hemi) cellulose pulp …
extraction from lignocellulose biomass, concurrently produces a (hemi) cellulose pulp …
Design and Validation of a High-Throughput Reductive Catalytic Fractionation Method
Reductive catalytic fractionation (RCF) is a promising method to extract and depolymerize
lignin from biomass, and bench-scale studies have enabled considerable progress in the …
lignin from biomass, and bench-scale studies have enabled considerable progress in the …
A one‐pot, whole‐cell biocatalysis approach for vanillin production using lignin oil
Vanillin is a popular and versatile flavor compound, almost entirely produced from petroleum‐
derived phenol by a multi‐step chemical synthesis. The process is hazardous to the …
derived phenol by a multi‐step chemical synthesis. The process is hazardous to the …